Quote Originally Posted by Doc Alan View Post
I sympathise with the nursing students. They may well have been genuine, and wanted to obtain a degree which is a requirement for registration as a nurse with the UK Nursing and Midwifery Council. Of course they should have known that it's illegal to work - as opposed to studying - more than 20 hours a week. But surely it was the University's responsibility - and enlightened self-interest - to monitor their activity and warn them of the consequences of flaunting immigration rules.
... it must be tough-going - not to mention highly expensive - for Nursing [and/or Medical] Students from non-European, overseas nations having to scrape together the wherewithal for tuition fees and start from scratch again after passing Board Examinations ... and already practising their professions in their own countries. And, like you, Alan ... I believe the buck rests with the Universities and Colleges to enlighten their "charges" as to the legal implications of students working more than the prescribed weekly maximum number of hours.