I take your point grahamw48

except that her living conditions do not fair well - with no real running water, electricity cables that's been botched and taped to death, no glass windows in the home, leaky roof, washing (bathing and laundry) are done from concrete sunken tank, education is almost primitive and is costly, health is not to standard (my first born died at birth becoz the dr's stethoscope was faulty, the ct scanner was locked away in another room and they had to read the instructions on how to use it and they did not treat my ex gf until it was too late - we arrived at 1.20am was seen by the dr about 30 mins later with heart rate of baby at 75 but they didnt do anything until 7.30am)

so basically i have no good reasons becoz that's the way some filipinos live and accept it!

but honestly - he would have a better education/health, I would not teach him to seek only foreigner for money but teach him real christian values.

It's all down to personal choice - you have your opinion - I have mine

but another comment to your statement - why not? why not take him to the other side of the world?