Quote Originally Posted by philphil61 View Post
but another comment to your statement - why not? why not take him to the other side of the world?
But that wasn't my question was it.

You seem to be ruling the child's mother out of the equation.

Without her permission, until the child is an adult he will NEVER be allowed to leave the Phils , and without a British passport she would have to accompany the child anyway.

The Philippines govt. is very strict on this now because of anti- people trafficking laws.

So I suggest that you start building, or re-building a relationship with HER.

As far as living conditions in the Phils are concerned, yes I'm quite aware of what a 3rd world country is like to live in, as I've been living there off and on for the past 20+ years, including stays of up to 3 years.

Unfortunately there are millions of children living in what we would consider poor conditions over in the Phils, and I can't see any court accepting that as grounds for giving custody to you, but it IS (as the poster above has pointed out) perhaps in your hands to help out where you can.