
We KNOW what goes on in the Philippines.

That's how things are in 3rd world countries, but agonising over it and rubbishing their society...tarring them with the same brush (remember there are lots of Filipina members on this forum) won't change anything.

There are also a lot good and honourable Filipinos.

Believe me I understand, having had a cheating Filipina wife, and almost lost MY son. I went to a judge here and put a restraining order on her at one point so she couldn't disappear off to the Phils with him.

I have custody of him now.

You need to start planning carefully and focus on what you can do constructively to achieve your objective.

In the meantime it is highly unlikely that your son will come to any harm.
Filipinos make every effort to take great care of their children, and I'm sure if you stuck with your ex so long, then she can't have been such a terrible person or from some sort of evil and uncaring family.

Your approach towards 'targetting' the support seems very sensible if it can be made to work.