
It may seem I'm targeting filipinos, it may seem that I consider all pinoy to be the same - that's not what I am trying to convey here and if you read other posts I've made I do admit that there are some honest loving people there...... it's just finding them like a needle in a haystack.

I thought I'd found the right girl. I'd spent 8mnths chatting to her and her family and involving my family. Also telling them all the circumstances etc. I suprised her with my visit to Philippines and made sure I was comfortable after hearing so many other problems had gone on before me. I was happy and contented and I decided to stay longer. It wasn't until a financial change hit me hard that the family turned from be loving, interesting and accepting family to something I would not like to be repeated to anyone. I thought I knew all, I'd spent hours researching, spent money investigating.

My comments are written to hopefully gain responsible advice but also warn others that even though things can be happy and loving for a long time - if one little glitch hits the fan - it hits the fan so hard you cannot ever clean up after it.

I am looking for advice and trying to find ways to plan for every eventuality - sorry but it hurts too and therefore my inner pain gets expressed here. I am human and I have a heart!!!


I hope I will find peace and love and maintain a good contact with my son but I do not see it. I am methodical, practical person - my ex gf has been unfaithfull before I left her, she is now already 2mnths on with another USA guy visiting her right now. In one hand I am hurting because I still had something there in my heart but on the other hand I hope the american has his fun and leaves her because she deserves to suffer like she has made me suffer. Again I must apologise for my thoughts and words but I can only write about what I know and how I feel.

I want the best for my son - most fathers do - I've tried being reasonable, I've tried offering the carrot now it seems I must find other ways to try to resolve my situation.