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Thread: Can I get my son?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Thanks for the recent comments

    After asking to take him back with me and she refused I questioned the possibility of "paying" for my son but this too was refused. She is only 22 and already only 1 month from leaving her she has another USA bf visiting. Yes apparently she was chatting before I had left her.

    Deep down and having much experience and knowledge I do believe that they are contemplating that I will finance them and my son and that's the only reason she will not let me take him. Why because of their lifestyle - karaoke machines and new cell phones come before food and house repairs.

    As I said in a post above I suspect they are already trying to lie to get money - she apparently took my son to a named doctor and needs xray etc, she said she would send documentation to support but have not received anything. I am awaiting a written reply, by email, from the named doctor regarding this. Again I tried to explain I will pay for my sons needs but direct to source only - example when he needs schooling I will ask which school and contact the school directly and only pay the school directly - therefore I will not send money direct to her or her family. (Hope thats clear).

    Yes he's not a commodity but in the eyes of the evidence I have and the knowledge of many months watching filipina after filipina come into the internet cafe and lie to foreign men about their circumstances. I know what goes off and why - to them he is a commodity to me he's my beautiful son that I miss so much.

    I wish they would let me buy him even if it's against all my better judgement - at least I know he will be loved for the child he is, he will want for nothing but not be spoilt, he will have contact with his filipino family but not enough to corrupt his tiny mind like so many elders corrupt the minds of their children. Sorry again but when you see 13 yr old girls going online at to chat to foreigner and encouraged to show breast by their elders - it's so **cking wrong. When you see you kids taught by their elders to urinate in the street - it's wrong when the CR is just feet away. When you see elders sweep up rubbish around their home and walk past the rice sack used for their daily rubbish then dump their rubbish they collected onto the beach - where is the common sense?

  2. #2
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    It's a child that is being discussed here ... not a commodity!
    It happens,I know a pinay who used to work in a girlie-bar in Wanchai who "sold" her daughter to the Canadian father.I would lay a bet thats not an isolated incidence Phil,cant offer any advice as I have never walked in your shoes down that particular road,but it does sound like your son is a bargaining chip from her perspective to finance her lifestyle,hope it all works itself out over time for whats best for the boy.

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