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Thread: anyone know where to stay at 100 islands

  1. #1
    Respected Member keeperlit's Avatar
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    anyone know where to stay at 100 islands

    our date is approaching very quick for our holidays in the philippines with karens mum and 2 brothers and our beautiful nephews and neices,,,we are trying to think where to go as karens polish workmate is coming with us for 2 weeks,,,kuya rommel has taken me to baguio city ,,mount samat,, bicol where mount mayon volcano is ,,,also karen and i went to puerto galera,,,my question is ,,has anyone been to 100 islands and is there anywhere reasonable to stay for a few days and is there a nice beach plus a swimming pool so the kids would be safe,,,,any ideas would be welcome ,,,john and karen
    live and let live

  2. #2
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    for me 100 islands was a let down and only one neraby resort hotel (cannot remember name) nr Alaminos/..., better to stay in La Union around San Fernando there is a resort area called Bauang (probably spelt wrong ) with several resorts strung along a very nice east facing beach so sunsets are cool, in fact we stayed at least one night at one called Bali Hi and there is enough surf for beginners and belly boards. Where are you starting out from?"]
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  3. #3
    Respected Member keeperlit's Avatar
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    hi scott as soon as we land we will head to our own house in antipolo for a couple days then start out from there ,,,,,,,,i'm going to have a look at the places you have said cheers john
    live and let live

  4. #4
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    This might help ^.

    Was going to go to Bolinao in Jan because of the good reviews it had, but unfortunately didn't have the time.

  5. #5
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Sorry forgot to post the link to the hotel we were going to stay at. It's in Bolinao

  6. #6
    Respected Member keeperlit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamieXXXmaria View Post
    Sorry forgot to post the link to the hotel we were going to stay at. It's in Bolinao
    thank you jamie just going to have a look at the link
    live and let live

  7. #7
    Respected Member belfast_dude's Avatar
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    i have only seen pics of the places i want to see..maybe some of the other members can tell u more...
    1. bohol
    2. palawan
    3. leyte...just to see the statue of mac arthur..

    they seem really nice

  8. #8
    Respected Member keeperlit's Avatar
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    we gave 100 islands a miss this year ,,but we went to hannahs beach resort in ilocous,,also we visited vigan,,,which still has a lot of old spanish buildings,,,,we stayed also at eagle point resort batangas,,,photos to follow
    live and let live

  9. #9
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    My wife and I went to 100 Islands for our honeymoon in April. We stayed one night in a hotel on the edge of the water which looks over towards the island. There are several hotels there, but one was a bit grotty the other very expensive 3000+ per night and the one we stayed in, cant remember the name right now we negociated a price of 1200p a night. We hired a boat of our own and visited several of the islands. There are some stunning views from the highest one, but the steps up are a real killer. We took a tent and food/water with us and got dropped off on a small sandy cove and after all the other tourist boats and people left, we were completely alone. We set up the tent made a little fire and had a brilliant time, just the two of us on our own island. The next morning we called the boat man and a couple of hours later he came and picked us up.
    If you do go there make sure you take a snorkle and mask as there are some nice areas to look at fish, but watch out for the jellies.
    I thought it was a lovely place to visit and so did my wife, we have lots of happy memories of our island. Worth a look next time.
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  10. #10
    Member maintman's Avatar
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    Hi keeperlit, don't know if you've been yet, I was there a couple of weekends ago, spent a night in a place called the hotel tropicana, cost 1800 for a twin room, was there with my lady and her neice. the price included breakfast. the food was reasonable and the view from the hotel stunning, it was on the waters edge. We hired a boat to take us round the islands and i agree with steve.r, get a snorkle and mask, crystal waters and plenty of fish. my sweetheart couldn't resist some of the nick nacks on sale to remember the trip LOL. The only thing was the trip from Manila and back, 6 hours to alaminos, though the coach was air conditioned my backside was numb at the end of it. Hope you have/had a great time.

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