if you need free advice concerning Immigration, the places I recommend are

1) your local law centre, which can be found here

Law centres employ solicitors, barristers, legal advisers and community workers. some specialise in disability benefits, employment, housing, asylum and immigration and welfare benefits. they take on cases to represent clients at all Court hearings, appeals and Judicial Reviews.

most offer telephone or drop in advice.

2) Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants (JCWI)

JCWI offers free legal advice on immigration, nationality and asylum matters to immigration law professionals and private individuals

private individuals
Phone 020 7251 8706
Tuesday & Thursday 2.00 - 5.00 pm

after a week of phoning IND, Immigration Advisory Service (IAS), reading forums, posting messages for help, and getting different advice, from different people, conflicting advice and worse even wrong advice, i was getting no where, when I finally came across these two sources of information.

but beware, I phoned 2 law centres, and one it turned out gave me the wrong advice, so always check with another law centre and check with JCWI. when there is a visa at stake and the processing fee to, always check with another source that what you've been told is correct.