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Thread: Do you really need your laptop while in Phill?

  1. #1
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Do you really need your laptop while in Phill?

    Whoops Do you really need your Laptop while in phill? :P

    Just back from a trip to Phill and we took over a Laptop for the wifes lill Sis. But to keep up with the world we found our "smartphones" were more than enough for day to day emails and what not.

    With my blackberry I used the Globe blackberry service on PAYG (prepaid) which had various bb service im and most importantly unlimited Internet. Some days i used 20 -30 megs of data which is going some on a BB due to the way they compress the data. They now have different levels of service which are priced acordily.

    Mostly I was using the phone to upload Photos straight to Facebook while we were out.

    To do this on a UK roaming Sim would have cost hundreds if not thousands over 14 days or so.

    Smart Globe and Sun have tens of PAYG deals so check out their offers. If your simply needing to check for emails or upload pictures to the cloud for not a huge amount you could find the 40 peso or so outlay for a sim (normally you get some free sms's in the deal and some free browsing time) a lot more handier than lugging round a laptop..
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  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I don't have a choice as my laptop is my business when on the move
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    I don't have a choice as my laptop is my business when on the move
    I understand some people need a laptop but I did notice a lot of people going over with laptops and I cant belive all are running businesses. Also from when speaking to the wifes Pinay friends they take over simply to back up photos, check facebook and emails just seems a lot of effort!!

    Of course if you need to do banking or money transfers your own pc maybe useful. If only PNB got with it and developed apps for the major platforms..
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  4. #4
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    Last couple of times I've taken my netbook with carry case. It's light and not really a problem to carry. At least I get to watch some BBC and Sky (depending on location) in addition to being able to perform some other stuff. The carry case has plenty of pockets and zipped spaces and easily doubles up as another hand piece of carry-on.

  5. #5
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    I do my banking transactions on my laptop while in the ph....I wouldn't trust any other method.... not even our android smarties.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Whoops Do you really need your Laptop while in phill? :P

    Just back from a trip to Phill and we took over a Laptop for the wifes lill Sis. But to keep up with the world we found our "smartphones" were more than enough for day to day emails and what not.

    With my blackberry I used the Globe blackberry service on PAYG (prepaid) which had various bb service im and most importantly unlimited Internet. Some days i used 20 -30 megs of data which is going some on a BB due to the way they compress the data. They now have different levels of service which are priced acordily.

    Mostly I was using the phone to upload Photos straight to Facebook while we were out.

    To do this on a UK roaming Sim would have cost hundreds if not thousands over 14 days or so.

    Smart Globe and Sun have tens of PAYG deals so check out their offers. If your simply needing to check for emails or upload pictures to the cloud for not a huge amount you could find the 40 peso or so outlay for a sim (normally you get some free sms's in the deal and some free browsing time) a lot more handier than lugging round a laptop..
    How much did the Blackberry Globe work out at ? Might take mine next time as last hacked off humping laptop about, we've now got a netbook so that would be a lot easier as I've got business related stuff which would be hard on the BB

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    I understand some people need a laptop but I did notice a lot of people going over with laptops and I cant belive all are running businesses. Also from when speaking to the wifes Pinay friends they take over simply to back up photos, check facebook and emails just seems a lot of effort!!

    Of course if you need to do banking or money transfers your own pc maybe useful. If only PNB got with it and developed apps for the major platforms..
    Ive heard the PNB app is not far away although, I still wouldn't use my phone for banking purposes, connection is notoriously unreliable.

    Laptops aren't as bothersome to carry these days.

  8. #8
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    iPads are pretty decent compromises.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    How much did the Blackberry Globe work out at ? Might take mine next time as last hacked off humping laptop about, we've now got a netbook so that would be a lot easier as I've got business related stuff which would be hard on the BB
    It worked out from 50 peso of load (simple send a message to 8888) and the conection sorts it self out there are a number of different versions. Many advise not to bother switching over your email to Globe or any of the Phill networks for reasons I can go into I was tempted to try out as have contacts with Vodafone tech support if i need my BB re registered. But simply used the free gmail software to save the hassle.

    Costs for Globe

    Cost for Smart

    But means you can use bbm, most of the major IM services, Facebook, Twitter any other service which uses BIS/BES connection and the internet although that used to take a little while to switch on i found although if you put a 5 day load or long that was hardly a problem.

    It doesn't need to be BB any internet phone could be used (of course with a suitable plan) and the unlimited services out in Phill on Globe and smart seem to be quite decent.

    One thing which was of use is the full BB service super surf max allowed tethering (mentions in the text msg you recieve) which maybe useful so you can use your phone and Netbook and only pay one connection fee..

    If all your doing is checking on social emails, social media, maybe uploading Photos if the family over there have pc's you can use it certainly frees up some of your luggage you need to carry ( i know laptops are normally on top of your luggae allowance)

    Here are some plans for non BB's on globe im sure smart have some as well
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    I do my banking transactions on my laptop while in the ph....I wouldn't trust any other method.... not even our android smarties.
    Blimey wouldn't use an Android unless very careful with what applications I had loaded on Great phones and some great apps but very much like the PC world with mucho malware floating around due to the way the App stores are open to all. Part of its success but also a big issue it seems.

    I guess depends on the way the application is created if its not holding any of your banking details locally its probably as save as ringing up in a street or public place a slight risk but hardly the biggest of risks.

    Of course Google and Apple yesterday took a bashing due to the way they retain the location data for periods of time up to a year in the case of Apple on its Iphones which have location services activated..

    Also found the Wifes up to date firmware Ipod touch has been affected by malware and when researching found its a massive problem I thought apples were malware proof!!!

    I'd be careful with your PC while out in Phil Kids out there go nuts when they see a Laptop and start watching films and use flash games websites as a rule all major malware sources it appears
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  11. #11
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Whoops Do you really need your Laptop while in phill?
    I wouldn't have thought so ... with the sheer number of internet cafes available at a cheap rate. But of course, in the more remote areas, the likes of a battery-operated netbook - rather than a laptop - might prove very handy.

  12. #12
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    I wouldn't have thought so ... with the sheer number of internet cafes available at a cheap rate. But of course, in the more remote areas, the likes of a battery-operated netbook - rather than a laptop - might prove very handy.
    Internet Cafes in some areas seem to be in decline or at least far more empty I noticed this trip back to pinas as Internet at home and via the Phone takes off in Phill.

    If you need to do anything which involves personal data and logins I'd be very careful in internet cafes..

    Personaly I would create a special email account just for the trip and try not to view any Senstive emails on them. Even using the https is no defence if they can view record your screen
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  13. #13
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    If you need to do anything which involves personal data and logins I'd be very careful in internet cafes..
    Ah, yes ... !

  14. #14
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    Thanks for the info Somebody - I'll read up on those telcoms sites

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    iPads are pretty decent compromises.
    We use one of Toshiba's notebook's. It's similar in size to the wife's handbags.

    Alot less cumbersome to laptops of old.

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