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Thread: Free Speech on the forum

  1. #1
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    Free Speech on the forum

    What is the policy on free speech on this forum?

    I am asking this because one of my posts was deleted?

    It was a response to someone saying "bring back golliwogs" which was racially offensive to my way of thinking.

    Arthur did it once and it seemed it was a genuine mistake.

    Why did it happen again and who did it?

  2. #2
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    asking about free speech, anyone who's foolish enough to respond to you gets treated with contempt, so you started calling a another member a racist and it got deleted , so what.

    so what do you expect from this thread

    why do you think so many other members complain about you
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    What is the policy on free speech on this forum?

    I am asking this because one of my posts was deleted?

    It was a response to someone saying "bring back golliwogs" which was racially offensive to my way of thinking.

    Arthur did it once and it seemed it was a genuine mistake.

    Why did it happen again and who did it?
    Your "way of thinking" is warped and it is the correct form of action to remove your insulting posts that brand other forum members racist.

  4. #4
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Your "way of thinking" is warped and it is the correct form of action to remove your insulting posts that brand other forum members racist.
    Now now, we're all entitled to our opinion, I'll say no more.

  5. #5
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Oh my a mainstreem comedy with a golywo.... oops toy in it.
    Here are the comments from a black guy underneath the clip which he finds very funny.
    "This is a funny sketch. I am a black man and laughed till I ached watching it, as with all the Extras episodes. Black people laugh at rascist jokes, but there is a time and a place and also depends on how it is said and by who. I feel sorry for people who are afraid to say black poeple of fear of affending, things have gone a bit far in the UK. If its funny just laugh, its comedy. I can tell the difference between humour and racism."

    This is the bit the shark doesen't seem to understand

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Your "way of thinking" is warped and it is the correct form of action to remove your insulting posts that brand other forum members racist.
    You are the funniest person on this forum

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    asking about free speech, anyone who's foolish enough to respond to you gets treated with contempt, so you started calling a another member a racist and it got deleted , so what.

    so what do you expect from this thread

    why do you think so many other members complain about you
    Are you implying that gollywogs are not offensive to a lot of black people?

  8. #8
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Oh dear watch the clip above aposhark
    Better write a stiff letter to the bbc for nearly saying golywogs and sambo.
    Thank god you only represent yourself on here and maybe one other luckily the majority of the public including lots of black people can watch the above clip and not be offended.

    Hey you just wrote' gollywogs' thats offensive in your book-stiched yourself up there sharkyboy

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    You are the funniest person on this forum
    As has been said before with your twisted outlook you imagine racism and islamophobia in anything and everything.

    If you are still in the PI it's way past your bedtime, I've noticed that's a trait of your fellow Chuckle Brother - spouting online garbage at 4am

  10. #10
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    apo, you never answer the question and still looking for a fight and its not going to work.

    i will ask again whats the point of this thread and why do you thnik why so many complain about you
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  11. #11
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    A question for you, Dedworth.

    Just to see how you really feel, call it putting our cards on the table.

    Are you for or against the BNP?

    A "Yes" or "No" will be a good opener.

    I am vehemently against everything they stand for. That's my honesty

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    A question for you, Dedworth.

    Just to see how you really feel, call it putting our cards on the table.

    Are you for or against the BNP?

    A "Yes" or "No" will be a good opener.

    I am vehemently against everything they stand for. That's my honesty
    We've had all this tripe from you before and it has no relevance so I won't be responding.

  13. #13
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    A few for you Aposhark do you support our brave soldiers ?
    Do you condemn the poppy burners?

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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    apo, you never answer the question and still looking for a fight and its not going to work.

    i will ask again whats the point of this thread and why do you thnik why so many complain about you
    I expect free speech, for starters.

    Also as I asked originally, who deleted my post?

    Give me an answer to that.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    We've had all this tripe from you before and it has no relevance so I won't be responding.
    It's a very simple question Dedworth

    Are you for or against the BNP?

    Show your convictions.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    A few for you Aposhark do you support our brave soldiers ?
    Do you condemn the poppy burners?
    I am against the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

    Our soldiers are brave for sure, but they should not be there.

    Poppies are for many wars so people should not burn them.

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    Have you ever spent any time in Muslim countries ?

    Where do you get your information about Muslims?

  18. #18
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    No I have not been to a muslim country but have met plenty of muslims.
    Reguarding information about muslims - What information are you refering too?

  19. #19
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    It's not like you to be a wallflower Dedworth......

    Don't sit on the fence.

    Be man enough to answer the question

    It's very simple to be honest you know

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    No I have not been to a muslim country but have met plenty of muslims.
    Reguarding information about muslims - What information are you refering too?
    For example, tell me why you think our soldiers should be fighting in Afghanistan?

  21. #21
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    It's not like you to be a wallflower Dedworth......

    Don't sit on the fence.

    Be man enough to answer the question

    It's very simple to be honest you know
    He has gone out for a pint thats why he can't reply

  22. #22
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    They should be back home now

  23. #23
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    Dedworth's answer is still worth waiting for

    Honesty is always the best policy Dedworth

  24. #24
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    I'm sure he certainly is not for the Bnp
    I'm not either but what I do see is what's been said on here many times and I'm not getting into the same blooody arguament all over again,is that I do object to silly pc crap what goes around-no xmas lights as may offend etc etc-dont say black coffee say without milk (leeds city council) etc etc,not blackboard but white board-what a load of bull .....
    mutli culturism has failed in the uk and I tell you now Shark you would not dare wander the streets of bradford on your own at night.
    I unlike you live 20 miles away and I can tell you you would be lucky to not get attacked,but it's easy for you living so far away to critasize-you simply have no idea.
    Being in a muslim country would be toatally different to being in the uk.

  25. #25
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    Are you implying that gollywogs are not offensive to a lot of black people?
    You'll find everything is offensive to someone, and if you are against gollywogs then you should also not use words such as:
    Hooligan - Is based on the Irish being drunk - Use this word and you are an Irish racist in your eyes.
    Vandal - Basically calling Germans swines, so use this and Apo will call you a German racist
    Hip Hip Hooray - How many of you have used this? All of you at some point, even Apo.... but what does it actually mean? It means you want to murder Jews ... oh dear
    .... and many more daily words we use.

    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    Are you for or against the BNP? I am vehemently against everything they stand for.
    That makes you a racist to the BNP in your loose meaning of the word.

    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    I expect free speech, for starters.
    You get it here by the bucket loads but slander and libel is not allowed. You agree to this in the T&C by using the site. If you want to have a personal attack with someone, I suggest you meet them and say it to their face.
    Keith - Administrator

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    Oh dear watch the clip above aposhark
    Better write a stiff letter to the bbc for nearly saying golywogs and sambo.
    Thank god you only represent yourself on here and maybe one other luckily the majority of the public including lots of black people can watch the above clip and not be offended.

    Hey you just wrote' gollywogs' thats offensive in your book-stiched yourself up there sharkyboy
    I don't watch clips as my connection is too slow.
    I was not discussing the BBC, I was asking you, I thought you knew that.
    Your powers of reasoning towards the end was epic, taxi-boy
    I was under the impression that you knew the concept of quotes.......I was mistaken.
    You are an amusing man taxiboy

  27. #27
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    I think I have worked this out maybe the doc can confirm Aposharks condition.
    He has a sleep disorder which wakes him up in a foul mood at 4am filipino time so he then vents this anger on a few as he had a bad experience with a jar of marmalade years ago and has nitemares about golly-toys

  28. #28
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    I think I have worked this out maybe the doc can confirm Aposharks condition.
    Keith - Administrator

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    I'm sure he certainly is not for the Bnp
    I'm not either but what I do see is what's been said on here many times and I'm not getting into the same blooody arguament all over again,is that I do object to silly pc crap what goes around-no xmas lights as may offend etc etc-dont say black coffee say without milk (leeds city council) etc etc,not blackboard but white board-what a load of bull .....
    mutli culturism has failed in the uk and I tell you now Shark you would not dare wander the streets of bradford on your own at night.
    I unlike you live 20 miles away and I can tell you you would be lucky to not get attacked,but it's easy for you living so far away to critasize-you simply have no idea.
    Being in a muslim country would be toatally different to being in the uk.
    I spent 22 years travelling the world, taxiboy, and have been in many cities at night in the UK, albeit in my single days.
    I have lived many, many months in lots of Muslim countries and worked in 13 West African countries. I have been in 70 countries in all.
    As you may imagine, travelling does open your eyes to wider issues that individual countries cannot see.
    I have a zero tolerance for racism and religion and feel this attitude would help wandering the war-torn streets of Bradford.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    You'll find everything is offensive to someone, and if you are against gollywogs then you should also not use words such as:
    Hooligan - Is based on the Irish being drunk - Use this word and you are an Irish racist in your eyes.
    Vandal - Basically calling Germans swines, so use this and Apo will call you a German racist
    Hip Hip Hooray - How many of you have used this? All of you at some point, even Apo.... but what does it actually mean? It means you want to murder Jews ... oh dear
    .... and many more daily words we use.

    That makes you a racist to the BNP in your loose meaning of the word.

    You get it here by the bucket loads but slander and libel is not allowed. You agree to this in the T&C by using the site. If you want to have a personal attack with someone, I suggest you meet them and say it to their face.
    I will ignore the meanderings.....

    So what about my original question about free speech - who deleted my post?

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