who now regrets voting for the conservative and lib dems![]()
who now regrets voting for the conservative and lib dems![]()
Not me, they're doing a good job of putting common sense back into politics. People have short memories that the last government destroyed the economy.
Keith - Administrator
no complaints here as I never vote (no point in encouraging them). Short memories
People forgot already the mess the tories left last time
Most economies were destroyed by irresponsible bankers, which no government could have prevented.
Not me either,that last lot of clowns helped to cause all this mess which we now have to pay for
We don't live in sugar airy fairy land anymore and hopefully we all realise all that and we stop trying to live beyond our means-we were at fault too running up massive credit bills on plastic.
Now we have to pay!
Thats life but you can hardly blame the goverment we have now for it at least they are telling it like it is as hard as that is to take it's the best way![]()
I've voted Tory every election since 1987 (the first one I could vote in) and never had any regrets voting Conservative![]()
I think its more a questions of why didn't you vote to all those in the 35% who did not bother !
I live in Spain, although having a UK Gov employee pension I pay income in UK, however, I don't get a vote in UK.
I voted Monster Raving Loony party.
...Only because Ann Widdecombe wasn't on the list.
I dont regret it,not one iota![]()
Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.
no regrets from me either, i know i should not say this , but i dont vote since thatcher there have been know one that has the balls to run this country as it should be, to many yes men and women and look at us now, yes thatcher did seem to lose it at the end but again this is my opiniun and until i think there is someone worth voting for i shall stay out and never complain about the country, well try not to anyway
the beginning or the end.
yes thats true but times move on
I'm from Pontefract, in the heart of the coal-mining area.
Happily times HAVE moved on, and quite frankly there are no more poverty-related problems in the former Yorkshire coalfield than anywhere else in the UK.
I work throughout the area on a daily basis (Energy Efficiency Industry).
If the great British public had been prepared to pay the price for home-produced fuels rather than imported, and other goods, then our industries would be employing more people.
But no, they would rather be selfish, gullible and stupid.
Result: Richer foreign countries, struggling Britain.
I have no major regrets about anything.
I wonder if the Lib Dems have any regrets!!
It looks like no place to hide now for them. Now Clegg decides its time to make some noise over the NHS reforms. To little to late springs to mind, as well as totaly blown it. One thing the british are famous for tho, is having an short or selectivememory. Where do I stand politically, In my humble opinion, there is not very much to pick and choose betwen all of them, with the odd exception. Overall they all seem to live in an differant world to ordinary mere mortals.
Umm is certainly a good argument to convert.
My biggest gripe is the " The Party Mentality " or I vote insert ( party ) because my dad did and his Father before him. Rather than who is or will be best for the Country. I don't see the present Government as an viable government, but then I don't really see the labour party as one either. I have always seen the Labour and Lib dems as the lesser evil tho.
Are there any differences between the main three now ?![]()
don't you mean main two !! "Are there any differences between the main three now ?"
For those who rise to the top, whichever party, there is no difference. Notice the quick rise of Cammoron and Obama, that's not down to their political prowess, but how far the puppet masters can get their hand inside the puppet. Cammy was advising John Major only three years after graduationHand-picked at an early age to get to where he is now.
The left/right illusion just plays on our human emotions of wanting to follow a team and being loyal to them. Unfortunately, none of them are loyal to the people.
Ever noticed how the decent ones, those who stand up for what they believe in, get a real slating in the press. Robin Cook and Enoch Powell spring to mind
I suppose we should at least be thankful our politicians are human
I twas the extreme socialist (we can all drive 7 series bmw's) unions what ruined it all.
It was actually cheaper to leave the coal in the ground and bring it in from elsewhere.
I will continue to vote Conservative like I have since 1979, the year Maggie Thatcher won the race to premiership. Un-arguably the greatest pm since Sir Winston Churchhill.
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