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Thread: Osama Bin Laden Killed

  1. #121
    Respected Member branno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    WHAT??? Speak up man

    well ur eye sight looks good for one thing

  2. #122
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  3. #123
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    Burial at sea photo released

  4. #124
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    Nice one Dedworth

  5. #125
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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  6. #126
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    I hope you don't mind if I copy and paste it and post it somewhere else Ded

  7. #127
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  8. #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    No one is name calling, you are just proving your ignorance again and again. I'm not the only one who thinks that, read the other members comments throughout the thread. I'm just informing you that you're making yourself look stupid with each post concerning this subject rather than accepting the facts that are staring you in the face.

    ...and you are quoting sites without cross-referencing which leads to a scenario that can make people look stupid .... as I said, and you ignored the advice by posting links, you cross-reference from multiple independant trustworthy sites... it is that simple
    My apologies if I'm winding members up with my views. I really seem to have got under the skin of yourself and a few others, never my intention, just debating.

    If you can point out the sources where I should be cross-referencing I'll be happy to do so. I posted a link from the Telegraph story as it was mainstream (as most seem to accept that as solid fact). They also seem skeptical of the story the White House was giving

    I'm not sure what these facts are that are staring in me face Out of the videos and links I've posted here nobody has come up with a counter argument towards them. These are top level officials saying bin Laden died years ago, the BBC saying there is no Al Qaeda, the inconsistencies of the White House story (and what look like lies), the fact bin Laden was originally supported by the CIA, I could go on, but if people don't want to question these FACTS I'll not repeat myself trying to persuade them to do so.


  9. #129
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    The new home videos are interesting. Looks like a homeless man was dragged in from the soup kitchen and given the remote. So this is a glimpse at the most evil man on the planet, and he can't even afford a new TV stand from IKEA The place looks like a right mess, and the guy supposedly had 3 wives. Muslim wives always keep a clean and tidy house.

    And when did he have an ear transplant, I wonder

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    Walaytawo don't take this the wrong way but I don't know what you are trying to prove
    Every post you make just seems to link to some silly link or video which half the time is bullshit

    I talk plenty of rubbish but maybe you should move on and maybe choose some other subject-this is getting monotonous
    We love a good bit of banter on here and we can be controversial too-we are not boring that's for sure.

    You are a newish member and if I'm being honest wonder if you were here under another name recently
    If I am wrong on that I apologize but I'm wondering if a couple of new members are ex members on a wind up mission
    You've been reading too many conspiracy theories

  11. #131
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Walaytawo View Post
    The new home videos are interesting. Looks like a homeless man was dragged in from the soup kitchen and given the remote. So this is a glimpse at the most evil man on the planet, and he can't even afford a new TV stand from IKEA The place looks like a right mess, and the guy supposedly had 3 wives. Muslim wives always keep a clean and tidy house.

    And when did he have an ear transplant, I wonder
    Just before he needed a head transplant
    Good riddance to the ......

  12. #132
    Respected Member branno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Walaytawo View Post
    My apologies if I'm winding members up with my views. I really seem to have got under the skin of yourself and a few others, never my intention, just debating.

    If you can point out the sources where I should be cross-referencing I'll be happy to do so. I posted a link from the Telegraph story as it was mainstream (as most seem to accept that as solid fact). They also seem skeptical of the story the White House was giving

    I'm not sure what these facts are that are staring in me face Out of the videos and links I've posted here nobody has come up with a counter argument towards them. These are top level officials saying bin Laden died years ago, the BBC saying there is no Al Qaeda, the inconsistencies of the White House story (and what look like lies), the fact bin Laden was originally supported by the CIA, I could go on, but if people don't want to question these FACTS I'll not repeat myself trying to persuade them to do so.


  13. #133
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    Yep, the ears definitely have it on this one:

    Different shaped nose as well. Also on the FBI's most wanted site bin Laden is listed as left-handed. The homeless guy is holding the remote in his right.

  14. #134
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    I'm left-handed, but operate the remote with my right.

    I agree that those appear to be two different people though.

    Maybe the American govt. would have just been better saying 'look, the bogey man is dead... if anyone can prove otherwise, then produce him, otherwise live with it.'

    Doesn't do anyone any good constantly raking over it.

  15. #135
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Walaytawo View Post
    Yep, the ears definitely have it on this one:

    Different shaped nose as well. Also on the FBI's most wanted site bin Laden is listed as left-handed. The homeless guy is holding the remote in his right.
    I'm glad I'm not relying on you two for evidence.... you can tell they are the same people .... it's a simple game that even kids can do. When comparing faces you concentrate on the shadows and darkened areas.... both of which are the same.
    Keith - Administrator

  16. #136
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    why didnt he just shave and colour his hair
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  17. #137
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    Ok so a kid's cleverer than me.

    Who cares ?

    He's dead. RESULT.

  18. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Who cares ?

    He's dead. RESULT.

  19. #139
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    I'm glad I'm not relying on you two for evidence.... you can tell they are the same people .... it's a simple game that even kids can do. When comparing faces you concentrate on the shadows and darkened areas.... both of which are the same.
    You could get a job at the FBI, Eddie Which shadows where And what kind of way is that to compare two faces? The sun could be in different positions in each photo, meaning the shadows would be cast in separate places.

    Ears are like fingerprints, they don't change as you get older. There's no way those are the two same people

  20. #140
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Walaytawo View Post
    You could get a job at the FBI, Eddie Which shadows where And what kind of way is that to compare two faces? The sun could be in different positions in each photo, meaning the shadows would be cast in separate places.

    Ears are like fingerprints, they don't change as you get older. There's no way those are the two same people
    Fingerprints can change as you age due to accident, mutilation or skin disease, so does your iris they use for scanners

    Shadows is only one form of comparing. Triangulation is another used by computer software, but is easy to do manually, and works easily on these 2 pics. Ratios is another, and the two pics here are different sizes so it needs to be taken into account. Simple measurements are another one the ratio is known. You can also use pure maths The pics are the same person. Be bothered to learn the the above techniques and you'll discover your initial assumptions that it isn's are incorrect.

    One of the problems with peoples beliefs is that they can't be taking the time to educate themselves so they can understand what they believe is actually correct or not. In most cases, people take the easy route and just continue to go with their initial view which is the lazy way.

    Google's Picasa digital image organizer has a basic comparision technique built in.
    Keith - Administrator

  21. #141
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Osama Bin Laden is DEAD ... period .

    And so is this thread!

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