Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
Al Qaeda did stop functioning as a controlling unit years ago so the BBC is right in that. However it still existed as a cause not a physical unit, and still does, although in rcent months it has been severely brought down by the people's reactions in the Middle East.

When checking things on the internet you need to cross-reference the information with multiple reliable sources. IE. The US FBI website has Bin Laden as deceased. The Al Qaeda website has him as dead. The main witness, his wife, has reported him being shot in the head in front of her, information from numerous relaible sources. Al Jazeera, and other respected Arabic channels, including Iranian, have declared him dead..... so basically... he's dead from bullets to the head the other night. It's as simple as that.

I suggest when looking for medical information on the internet, you cross-reference the information the same way.

Those muppets on here who believe the crap from the 'odd' blog are the ones who will search for headaches, and find on a blog that they need to cut off their head to cure it
It's a pity that none of these "sources" can get their story straight. The most laughable one has to be the picture of Obama, Hilary and co sitting around watching it live on a feed, it then turns out there was a blackout at the bogeyman's compound

If questioning a source which has been proven to lie and manipulate many times, I'm happy to be called a muppet


More inconsistencies here...


Just because its on Al Jazeera or another Arabic news station doesn't make it true. All news corps get their info from press releases, if they see its gone up elsewhere they'll just go with story.

Feel free to pick through the bones of the CIA - AL Qaeda relationship
