well i know the polish guy at my work is paid less than everyone else, i think if its a larger company then yes they would get paid the same as everyone else, but most of the companies i've worked for are small, and the pay is usually set by your manager or director, and obviously he will want to pay as little as possible.

. a company we deal with, had taken on about 6 poles out of a work force of 12, of course the guy who owned it was paying them less than the others there, whats the advantage to him if he pays them the same ?? sure they might work harder, but balance this against them not speaking good english

, yes i know some do speak good english.. infact the 6 poles went back to poland, and never came back, he has 8 Slovakians working for him now... i wonder why ???
its funny that electrolux are shutting a plant in the uk, and opening one in poland, and due to the fact that many poles are in the uk now, the plant in poland are employing cheaper Albanian labour