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Thread: hi... need some information about getting the annulment for my girlfriend

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    hi... need some information about getting the annulment for my girlfriend

    need some information about getting the annulment for my girlfriend who is a UK citizen.
    can anyone reply me with some information please. can she get the devoce according to the UK law.? does she need to go backhome for that...?

    thank you

  2. #2
    Respected Member jonnijon's Avatar
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    Hi Kevin,yes you can get a divorce here in the UK,but it will not be valid in the Philippines.Annulment is the only answer and that will cost you about £1,500 and if your lucky a result in about 2 years.
    This is my experience so others may say different.

  3. #3
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    Kevin, I can confirm what jonnijon has said.
    She can file and secure a divorce here in UK. But that divorce will NEVER be valid or acceptable in the Philippines. In fact I will dare to inform that she would be considered a bigamist in the Philippines.

    Just as an example please look here:-

    In all honesty I cannot personally advise you to go ahead. Especially if your G/F will ever go back to Pinas.
    You never know who will report you or why.

    Annulment can be very difficult and does cost lots money.
    If you do decide on the Annulment road, think carefully about the grounds and what would be involved. Or if you want to share some details here, there are experienced people who can guide you. Maybe there is a better way.

  4. #4
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    hi guys thaks alot for your comments. @ jonnijon mate it doesnt matter weather its gonna valid in phili. it only matters weather its valid for us to get married in the uk. and you said its £1500. is it in the uk of phili ?.
    @ Terpe thanks alot for your input. if i need to get some more information who should i contact have you got any idea mate.? and if she is going to get the devorce in the UK how ong is it going to take.?

    thank you again guys

  5. #5
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  6. #6
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    thanks alot guys
    it doesnat matter weather its valid in phili or not. what i need to know is weather valid in the Uk for us to get married. and how long will it take for the devorce ? and who can help me with that.

    thanks guys

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by kevin27 View Post
    thanks alot guys
    it doesnat matter weather its valid in phili or not. what i need to know is weather valid in the Uk for us to get married. and how long will it take for the devorce ? and who can help me with that.

    thanks guys
    Kevin, as a first step go to your local court offices and ask for a Divorce Pack.
    You will find ALL the information you need plus the forms etc and guides on how to fill out the forms.
    If there are no children and your g/f has had no contact with her ex for 5 years then very straight forward.
    Either go direct through the courts or maybe even use one of these quickie companies.
    The court will cost around £300
    The quickie companies will be cheaper but I have no idea how they work.

    The time it takes does depend on how simple or complex, but from the info you have given so far it may only be a few weeks.

  8. #8
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    thanks alot mate.

  9. #9
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    I'm would not suggest doing anything illegal where Pinas is concerned.
    However, you may want to research divorce filed by a foreigner abroad and look see the details (may be a minefield but worth the effort).
    You mention you g/f is UK citizen, is she also Philippine Citizen (ie Dual Citizen) ?

  10. #10
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    terpe no she is dual citizen. and i want to know another thing guys. if someone is annulled in the phili what are the documents that person should have after the annulment. is it jus the annulment paper or what...?
    thanks again guys

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