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Thread: getting annulment for my phili girlfriend.

  1. #1
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    getting annulment for my phili girlfriend.

    hi... need some information about getting the annulment for my girlfriend

    need some information about getting the annulment for my girlfriend who is a UK citizen.
    can anyone reply me with some information please. can she get the devoce according to the UK law.? does she need to go backhome for that...? what is the time frame it takes.?

    thank you

  2. #2
    Respected Member hawk's Avatar
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    well am going through devoece at moment i went to solicitor i had to sign papers go to county court swear affidavid papers need to go to other party they sign then send back to your solicitor you might be able to do it but may take longer as papers will take time to get to you then back it can take about 6 months this is differant for each case your need to contact a solicitor asap to get it on its way hope some this helps good luck

  3. #3
    Respected Member marlyn&kenny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kevin27 View Post
    hi... need some information about getting the annulment for my girlfriend

    need some information about getting the annulment for my girlfriend who is a UK citizen.
    can anyone reply me with some information please. can she get the devoce according to the UK law.? does she need to go backhome for that...? what is the time frame it takes.?

    thank you
    Hi welcome to the forum!
    Ask her if her marriage was registered in the philippines as well(or if she was married here in the uk and registered her marriage in phil embassy) if the answer is yes, then after her divorce here, she still need to process some papers in the philippines to get it converted in philippine version...
    Just hold on, other members correct me if im worng here.. good luck
    Marlyn & Kenny forever

  4. #4
    Respected Member Maria B's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=kevin27;289875]hi... need some information about getting the annulment for my girlfriend

    hello kevin 27, i have no idea if a lady is a UK Citizen & wants to be annuled but I agree with marlyn&kenny ask her if her marriage was registered in the Phils.
    In my case, i will just share my past experience. my first marriage was in the Philippines. I lodged my annnulment papers on July 2006 ang I got my finality on Dec 2007. I was so lucky because the lawyer was a friend of my close friend and the package in which I paid it in staggard was Php50,000. But I also spent a few bucks for the messenger, for the rolling & for the psychologist. The judge was a close friend of my lawyer too. Whew! All in all it was about Php70,000. One thing also, my ex-husband didn't answer the 3 subpoenas, didn't counterpart & didn't appeared in the court, the 3 witnesses are telling the truth, we don't have commnunication for a year in which it made the case strong & the processing was so fast......the lawyer's consultation was free & he will give you all the details, requirements & what to expect (if the ex-hubby will counterpart & fight for his right).
    Wish you all the best & good luck for the coming future.

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