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Thread: marriage

  1. #1
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    hello everybody,
    I am looking for some advice and i would be very appreciative of any given, basically I am British and I have a Filipino girlfriend, and we are looking to get married here in the Uk I was wondering if anybody has any information on the procedure we will need to follow?, what type of visa she will need to apply for etc

  2. #2
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    Hi there simon_87, welcome to the forum.
    In order for your g/f or Fiancee to be married to you in UK she will need to apply for a Fiancee Visa.
    Take a look here for some info:-

    May I also suggest you consider the Alternative Vote (can't say we not topical) which is to marry in Pinas and use the Spouse Visa route.
    You can find plenty of helpful views here on the forum just do a search.

    Hope it helps.

  3. #3
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    Hi Simon.

    Is your girlfriend already here in the Uk, and if so, what is her current immigration status ?

    If she is living in the Phils, have you met her in person yet, and does she have children ?

  4. #4
    Respected Member Ladybug_sim's Avatar
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    Hi! simon, just want to say welcome to the forum

    About your query, I think fiance visa is good if you are planning to marry there (UK) be sure that you meet each other in person as it is one of the requirements then you can go smoothly for your plans. Just search and read some thread on here and you can have lots of information for the things you want to know.. keep posting and update us here ... good luck

    Well, fiance visa is good if you are planning to marry there be sure that you meet each other in person as it is one of the requirements

  5. #5
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    Unhappy worried girl

    I am married but 5 years separated with my husband just now I found a friend and eventually became my boyfriend he is a widowed.only in the net.
    we both have kid were planning we are so much in love and were planing to live together the problem is how can I go to Uk when Im married here in the Philippines,I don't want him to come here to avoid any conflict with my former husband who's now still single and want to take me back.I do not love him any more I know and I feel it in my heart, I have to move on to get rid of him.Please help.

  6. #6
    Respected Member Bluebirdjones's Avatar
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    This may be blunt.... but ......

    Firstly, you need an annulment, and if as you say he want to take me back, then the chance of this are pretty slim, or at the very least, is going to drag on & on.

    Secondly...if he want to take me back, then the chances of him agreeing to your children living overseas (UK) are very slim... so, is this something you are prepared to accept ?

    Thirdly ....I don't want him to come here..... without him coming to the Philippines and meeting you in person, your chances of a succesful fiance visa are NIL.
    Last edited by Bluebirdjones; 29th July 2011 at 09:19. Reason: additional txt
    No man is an island, but Barry is

  7. #7
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    I'd echo the above.

    Also , I've just never been able to comprehend how a couple can be 'in love' when they've never actually met in person.

    Seems to be a lot of daydreaming going on here....from both sides of the relationship.

  8. #8
    Member Alona's Avatar
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    first you need to sort out things between you and your ex-husband in the philippines.talking about annulment thats it,but in our country it takes year to get annuled and takes a lot of money to hire a lawyer i think.the question is,is your husband willing to have an annulment,if not that is very complicated and risky.
    Quote Originally Posted by bienna View Post
    I am married but 5 years separated with my husband just now I found a friend and eventually became my boyfriend he is a widowed.only in the net.
    we both have kid were planning we are so much in love and were planing to live together the problem is how can I go to Uk when Im married here in the Philippines,I don't want him to come here to avoid any conflict with my former husband who's now still single and want to take me back.I do not love him any more I know and I feel it in my heart, I have to move on to get rid of him.Please help.

  9. #9
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    hello again everyone thanks for the advice so far however im still a little confused here, so let me ask some more questions, so firstly I will need to travel to the Philippines in order to obtain proof we have met and then secondly my girlfriend will need to apply for a fiance visa??? after we have met , is this correct???
    also could anyone be a more detailed about the process i will need to follow please,

    I have one more thing to add my girlfriend is only 20 and i read somewhere we both need to be over 21 this isnt a problem for me but does this mean we cant get married until she is 21???

    ps to grahamw48, yes she does live in the Philippines and she doesn't have any children

    thanks again everyone, take care

  10. #10
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    embassy will not issue a visa unless your both over 21, if you apply for a visa they might wait til she is 21 and sit on her app (depending on how many months it is, til shes 21), or if its only a month or so they might issue the visa straight away or refuse her app becuase shes under 21.

    yes you need to have met at least once, but recommended that you have met more times..

  11. #11
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    she cannot really be called a girlfriend when you have not met. Go and meet here in the Phils
    Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy

    if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!

  12. #12
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