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Thread: baptism certificate,,,for church wedding

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  1. #1
    Respected Member keeperlit's Avatar
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    baptism certificate,,,for church wedding

    hi all this is for briancol,,,as karen and i were told we could get married in a church in the philippines,,,we were told we needed a baptism certificate from my church,,,,but i'm not roman catholic,,,,and i never had a baptism certificate then they wanted us to go see an arch bishop to get it cleared by them after a lot of hassel and time wasteing ,,,they then said they would not marry us because i had been married before,,,,this pissed karen off,, so the both of us had a civil wedding but we were married by a pastor in pasig city,,,,hope things are starting to go a little easier now brian,,,
    warm regards john and karen

    live and let live

  2. #2
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    We're going to eventually have a church wedding in the Phils but that Baptismal Certificate might pose a problem for me as well as I've never been baptised and I'm not Catholic but unlike you I've never been married. Not sure if just being unmarried meets their criteria though.

  3. #3
    Respected Member mikey73's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamieXXXmaria View Post
    We're going to eventually have a church wedding in the Phils but that Baptismal Certificate might pose a problem for me as well as I've never been baptised and I'm not Catholic but unlike you I've never been married. Not sure if just being unmarried meets their criteria though.
    i know when my mahal was looking into getting married in a church (in tacloban) i would have to prove i was baptised and catholic. as i have never been baptised nor am i catholic we had to forget about getting married in a church instead we are having a civil wedding there in just over 5 weeks time

  4. #4
    Respected Member steve monty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamieXXXmaria View Post
    We're going to eventually have a church wedding in the Phils but that Baptismal Certificate might pose a problem for me as well as I've never been baptised and I'm not Catholic but unlike you I've never been married. Not sure if just being unmarried meets their criteria though.
    I got married in a church wedding in December 2010 and did not need Baptisimal Certificate. Just explain to them that there is no recording of it being done. You just have to find a church and pastor that will accept mixed marriages. I have not been to church since i was 15. Like John says you have to go to the Bishop of the city in which your marrying, and say you allow your wife to keep practicing Catholicism and that your future children will be brought up as Catholic's. If you interested in church wedding have a read of this thread,it is a bit of a nightmare but definately worth it

    John it's the Church's hold on the Government which makes Divorce Illegal, as they don't agree with it. So they wouldn't allow you to marry in church.

  5. #5
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by steve monty View Post
    Like John says you have to go to the Bishop of the city in which your marrying, and say you allow your wife to keep practicing Catholicism and that your future children will be brought up as Catholic's.
    She'll be practicing the Life in the UK test and the kids will be brought up as Liverpool fans, but hey who's gonna know?

    Thanks for that Steve

  6. #6
    Respected Member steve monty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamieXXXmaria View Post
    She'll be practicing the Life in the UK test and the kids will be brought up as Liverpool fans, but hey who's gonna know?

  7. #7
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    just get a civil wedding first to bypass the requirements by the church and then a church wedding and party then
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  8. #8
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    We were going to have the civil wedding first anyhow, so when that's done & dusted they'll be no red tape with the church wedding?

  9. #9
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    the church my wife went to wouldnt marry us, so we had a civil wedding first.... a church can't refuse to marry you again but we had it at venue and married by a pastor who was a friend of the family, i think you avoid the red tape plus you have most of the things to, over and done with
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  10. #10
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Maria's family know a pastor too

  11. #11
    Respected Member keeperlit's Avatar
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    hi steve
    your right its the churchs hold on the goverment,,,,,,,,,,,anyway it did not bother me one bit whether they married us in a church or not,,,,it was karen i was getting upset for as this was her fathers dream before he passed away,,even karens mum went to see the priest he told her yes we would be able to get married then the next week karens mum was giving him documents and he then dropped the bombshell on her ,,,now let me tell you my mum inlaw is a lovely woman who goes to her church every sunday,,and any other time she can get to it for mass,,,,she was really angry and this has put a real big dent on her views of the catholic church ,,,as she belives they told her lies,,,,anyway we had a christian marriage at the glass gardens events in pasig city ,,and we were married by a pastor who was recommend by the officials at caloocan city hall,,,,and all i can say is that we had a beautiful wedding the venue was set up beautiful and the price i'm not going to tell you but if it was held here in the UK i don't think karen and i would have change out of 20;000 pounds,,,,,,,we had everything including violins white doves games karens mum was very happy that we just had a civil wedding,,,,no red tape ,,,no one to tell us how we should run our lives ,,,,as my signature says,,,,,live and let live
    live and let live

  12. #12
    Respected Member steve monty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by keeperlit View Post
    it did not bother me one bit whether they married us in a church or not,,
    Nice to meet you John, I'm glad your Wedding went well! Looking at your avatar, you looked very happy on that day! I think it is every parents dream to see their child to marry in god's building and you didn't say no to it, it was the church's view's which stopped it. To be told one thing and then another is the worse thing when you are trying to organise your big day.

    I think you would find most pastor's are accepting of mixed marriages, it's the case that people higher up the church are not accepting of these changes and stuck in the dark age. Yes the price of weddings are so much cheaper and up to the same standard of UK weddings! Sounds like you had a great set up and happy to hear that your mum in law was very happy!

    On the point of being told on how to run our lives, as I said to the Bishop we will decide how to bring up our children and it's my wife's choice if she practice's Catholicism, nothing to do with me. We will live our lives as we see fit.

  13. #13
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Money talks, you'll always find someone to marry you in the Phil regardless of your past. The way round it as mentioned above is a civil wedding, then you can have a wedding (blessing) in a church no problem.

    The Catholic club in the Phil always seems to surmise it's people will not marry non-catholics
    Keith - Administrator

  14. #14
    Member jen28's Avatar
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    Hi! In church wedding yes u should have a baptismal cert and confirmation cert. In Manila, if ur spouse is not a Catholic, u then need to go to Arzobispado de Manila at the back of Cathedral Church in Intramuros (Archdiocese). I've worked on my baptismal cert yesterday but will not have a church wedding yet. I just prepared everything as my Christian name is different from my birth cert and my Christian name will still be remained as is, they just put a note at the bottom of my baptismal cert.

  15. #15
    Respected Member keeperlit's Avatar
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    jamie ,,,karen says you still need a baptism certificate,,,,or as jen28 says you need to get something to the same effect,,,read jen28 post hope this helps as there is nothing worse than having every document you need for getting married then someone throwing a spanner in the works,,,,,,,,,,,hi STEVE nice to meet you too,, your right the both of you bring your kids up the way you think is right no matter what anyone says,,We all pray to the lord above although we have different ways of doing it,,,,as far as i'm concerned all the prayers that everyone says only go one way thats up to the heavens above
    live and let live

  16. #16
    Respected Member briancol's Avatar
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    hi John & Karen. ive since discovered i dont need a baptism cert,its a baptist church we will be married in.and no problem me being a divorcee apparently.
    i hope to be flying out on the 7th June,arrive on the morning of the 8th in time to go to the britt consulate thn back next afternoon to pick up my certficate.thn on down to butuan or koronadal,not sure which,mind u i havnt booked my flight yet. will head to travel agents tomorrow,21st.

  17. #17
    Respected Member briancol's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=keeperlit;287235]hi all this is for briancol,,,as karen and i were told we could get married in a church in the philippines,,,we were told we needed a baptism certificate from my church,,,,but i'm not roman catholic,,,,and i never had a baptism certificate then they wanted us to go see an arch bishop to ga little easier now brian,,,
    warm regahi John & Karen. ive since discovered i dont need a baptism cert,its a baptist church we will be married in.and no problem me being a divorcee apparently.
    i hope to be flying out on the 7th June,arrive on the morning of the 8th in time to go to the britt consulate thn back next afternoon to pick up my certficate.thn on down to butuan or koronadal,not sure which,mind u i havnt booked my flight yet. will head to travel agents tomorrow,21st.rds john and karen

  18. #18
    Respected Member briancol's Avatar
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    can someone tell me if i can do the marriage seminar in one city but get married in another city,or does it have to be done in the city where the marriage will take place? thanks.

  19. #19
    Respected Member mary_drew's Avatar
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    hi I’m looking for a little help also ( yes again ) I can get a copy of my baptismal cert as I was baptised within the church of England. however the church in the phils also requires me to get written consent from my vicar that they allow me to marry in a catholic church. when speaking to the vicar she advised that I don’t need it as they allow me to marry within the catholic church.

    would it be advisable to try a different vicar or is it the same within the church of england that they will just allow me to marry?

  20. #20
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    i think it is the same within the church of england for as long as they allow you to get marry.

    What catholic church do you plan to get married?

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