My name is Graham from Grimsby. I have just returned to the UK having just married the love of my life in Davao Phils.
We met each other on Filippina hearts dating site in 2007. I have been to Davao on many occasions and we got engaged in 2009.
We got a visit visa in 2010 and she stayed with me for 4 months. We got married on the same day as Prince William and Kate.
The only problem we now have is that we got ripped off big time in Davao by the person who susposed to be helping us with the marrage arrangments. To actualy get the marrage cirtificate cost well over £1,000 alone. Then there was the cost of the reception and everything else on top.
Therefore my bank account has had a serious knock and I am not sure how much money I need to show the B.Embassy I have in my account for the spouse visa that we are now in the process of applying for.
Does anyone know if it will have an adverce effect on the application if I show 3months bank statements instead of the recondmended 6 months.
Many thanks.