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Thread: Ms to Mrs mistake

  1. #1
    Respected Member ana07cutiepie's Avatar
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    Post Ms to Mrs mistake


    My bf booked a flight from Cebu to Manila and the problem is all about the Ms. and Mrs.

    He booked it Ms for my mum instead of Mrs (the right one) will it affect the flight? I am just afraid that my mum might not be able to fly with me because of this matter.

    And second problem is

    I am Miss/Ms. but the mum of my bf booked a flight to Vienna but there is a mistake it was Mrs. instead of Ms/Miss. Will it affect also to the flight?

    Thanks a lot.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Why not email the airline ?

  3. #3
    Respected Member
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    I wouldn't have thought it would matter.

    I had a similar problem when I booked our flights from here to Manila with Malaysia Airlines. I mistakenly put my wife as Mr! Initially, I was told that it was impossible to change the ticket without a huge charge, but they soon agreed to do it for free.

    After doing some research, I found out that the name on the ticket needs to match the name in the passport, but a British passport doesn't use a person's title, so it's a "grey area". I found lots of anecdotal evidence that an incorrect title doesn't mean that someone will be prevented from flying.

    I would have thought that Ms instead of Mrs would cause no problem at all.

  4. #4
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    'Ms' is in any case a (feminist ) term which was designed to substitute for Miss OR Mrs.

  5. #5
    Respected Member
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    I've booked several internal flights in the Phils for my gf with both Miss and Ms titles, it has never caused a problem. Do passports even have a persons title on them?

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