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Thread: need an advice about spouse visa supporting documents

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  1. #1
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    need an advice about spouse visa supporting documents

    hi everyone.

    We are planning to lodge my spouse visa application this end week of May..I dont know if the following documents that I am going to submit is already enough.?

    1. latest 3 months bank statement of my husband ( shows 1200 pounds savings only ) and 3 months payslip ( range of only 100-150 disposable income ) no P 60 to submit because my husband just got a new job last March, 2011 and previous year, he had no job and only claiming benefits.

    2. letter from his employer
    3. letter from his landlord stating I am allow to stay in his apartment
    4. My Diploma, C.V. Job Certification, ( intend to work to help my husband for finances )
    5. Utility bills from his old apartment.( shows that he is a good payer ).no utility bills from his new apartment yet because my husband just transfer into new flat last month, he didn't receive any utility bills ( his new flat have 2 bedrooms, )
    6. Emails , chats , letters, photos, (before and after of our wedding )..
    7. Cover letter from me and my hubby, and his co-sponsor ( which is a couple who is a close friend of my husband )confirming that our marriage is genuine and letter of support from them
    8. Supporting Documents such as bank statement, payslip, letter from employer , deeds of mortgage from co-sponsor of my husband for my visa application.They are willing to support financially and the accommodation if needed .( I dont know if the ECO will consider this one? )

    I am 6 months pregnant already thats why we will only submit 3 months bank statement and payslip of my husband because my husband wants me to born our baby in UK if it happen that my visa will be grant.
    I dont know if we are going to mention it in our cover letter that I am pregnant? But its not ask in the visa form anyway if pregnant or not..
    If we are going to mention it, we are just worry that my pregnancy will affect my visa application because my husband dont have enough savings and ECO might think that his disposable income cant support if the baby will be born already.
    any advice will be a great help..would love to hear your response..

    .thank u so much

  2. #2
    Member alan/maleiya's Avatar
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    my wife her spouse visa application refused on 13th april i had sent 10 of my last 12 bankstatements i sent them my last 3 years income tax accountants i showed them i had regular income payments going in to my bank everyweek except on the weeks i was with my wife in the philippines and that was 12 weeks yet they still refused visa as they say i not show regular income in my last bankstatement it only showed 2000 pounds savings we have appealed just waiting on the answer again ... i dont think anyone really knows the true answers to wht they need to get the right outcome , can only pray and hope all this pain will be over soon and i have my wife and son here in the uk .. i hope u get a better outcome than us i wish u so much luck

  3. #3
    Newbie (Restricted Access) geekycouple's Avatar
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    Me and my husband is sorting out all the supporting documents we can submit. I really think that the more valid documents you show them, the better. And we also need to be careful on the finances documents. One wrong move can refuse my visa and it scares the hell out of me. I want to be with my hubby ASAP.... We're dying. :(

  4. #4
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    I think you will have a good chance because your husband is a full-time EMPLOYEE, with confirmation from his employer.

    Everything else looks good to me.

    Ref. utility bills:

    Is there a letter from gas or electricity supplier confirming him as new customer, also council tax bill or statement ?

    They only want proof that he actually lives there.

    He could ask them for that kind of letter there is something in writing.

  5. #5
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeanelovesdeano View Post
    1. latest 3 months bank statement of my husband

    7. Cover letter from me and my hubby, and his co-sponsor ( which is a couple who is a close friend of my husband )confirming that our marriage is genuine and letter of support from them
    8. Supporting Documents such as bank statement, payslip, letter from employer , deeds of mortgage from co-sponsor of my husband for my visa application.They are willing to support financially and the accommodation if needed .( I dont know if the ECO will consider this one? )

    Its crucial to submit a 3months bank statements, unless explained very well .
    I dont understand why you need a co-sponsor with your spouse visa application ?what i understand is that only relatives can be accepted as a third party sponsor.
    If you are pregnant, why not include it in his letter.
    anyway,goodluck..all the advises has been given to you in the previous threads you made... you just need to read them all over again to make sure what to include and what to exclude in your visa application documents.
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  6. #6
    Member Aingeall's Avatar
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    Hi! I hope you'll consider moving your application after giving birth for some reasons the Embassy will find a fault. I know how much you miss your husband, but it could've been better if you applied earlier. You are already 6months pregnant, but you will lodge your application at the end of this month, and it means you'll be more or less 7months. Visa processing can be as quick as 2 days if you're lucky, but if you're not it might take 120days which is probably your due date. Then you have to apply for a visa for your son/daughter as well & provide another supporting documents for the newborn, as it is another application. I am just being realistic, so I hope you don't find me cheeky. Most airlines allow pregnant women up to 36wks pregnant to fly, but there are some which only allow 29 wks.
    The other thing I noticed is that your husband moved house recently. He definitely needs to send at least one latest utility bill with the new address.
    You don't need to tell embassy you intend to work here, as dependents are legally allowed to work. But because you are due to give birth you will be on maternity leave when you arrive here. Maximum maternity leave is 1yr, but you can work in a month's time after delivery if you are happy to do so.
    Regarding the bank statements, you only need the latest three months original paper bank statements from your husband with a minimum of £550 on that account all throughout the three months to prove he can support you. if, however you decide to wait til the baby is born, you'll need at least £1,100 on his bank statements all throughout the three month period. He still needs to provide 6 months payslip.
    Please make sure he sends all photocopied pages of his passport.
    I wish you good luck in your application. Use your own judgment in decideing whether to lodge it in now or wait.

  7. #7
    Member Aingeall's Avatar
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    Hi! Did you get my earlier reply?

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