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Thread: Pls Help! advice in getting my daughter over

  1. #1
    Respected Member sweet_cookie08's Avatar
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    Pls Help! advice in getting my daughter over

    hi all,

    i really need help and advice from people here who had experience of applying visa for their son/daughter's visa.

    We are planning to get my daughter end of this year. It would be nearly 3 years since I've been away from her. I came here Jan 2009. Because of unexpected circumstances (personal/family) we were not able to get her right away. Would this be a problem, us being apart for 3 years and applying for her visa just now?

    Also, my marriage with her dad was annulled and her custody was granted on me. On the annulment, it says: 'The custody of their minor child _______ shall remain with the petitioner (which is me), with visitation rights to hererin respondent'. Can this be a very good proof that I have the sole custody of my daughter? He never ever visited my child or give any support since he abandoned us (when my child is around 3 years old). So my daughter have not seen him again or have any contact with him. We don't know where he is now.

    Regarding 'sole responsibility' which is I believe i need to prove as well, is that the same as 'sole custody'? How can I prove that I have sole responsibility to my daughter over the span of almost 3 years? I would call her, my mom and sister (who looks after her) almost everyday. All decisions are made by me, even what vitamins she would take, what summer course/activity she will take, how many clothes she needs to buy, etc. In short, my mom and sister won't make any decision for my child, except they have spoken to me or I have instructed them. But how can I prove that, as I would only most of the time communicate to my mom and sister through phone?

    What other documents/evidence do I need to submit to ensure she will be granted a visa?

    Need help please, I really want her to be with me now. Thanks in advance for those who will give advise.

  2. #2
    Member Aingeall's Avatar
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    Hi! i just came across your post there. My friend had a smiliar situation. Her first application was refused when her daughter was only 14yrs old....that was 2yrs ago. She was actually invited for an interview. She was separated from her husband many years ago, but didn't tell the Embassy which was probably a good thing, though the child was refused that time. The reason being no one will mind the child if she's working because she is not applying for her husband as well. It was very difficult to accept, but the second time after 3months she reapplied a dependent visa for her daughter, but this time included her ex-husband on the application just to get a visa for her daughter which was successful. Both father & daughter went through immigration in heathrow, then parted ways. the dad stayed with a friend and her daughter with her. She renewed her visa with her daughter last year, but didn't include her husband anymore, so he went back to Philippines.
    That's the easiest way to do it, as long as the embassy doesn't know you are separated. If they do, you have to provide evidence how you'll balance work and life on your own if your child is a minor. that'll be the question embassy will ask coz you might go for an interview..
    hope this response will's a personal experience coz my friend's husband stayed with us. I had to help her during those difficult times.

  3. #3
    Respected Member sweet_cookie08's Avatar
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    Hi Aingeall,

    thanks for you reply. I appreaciate your time in replying to my post.

    I think we have a different situation here. I can't include my ex-husband on my daughter's application, because, we've been separated since 2001, then our marriage was annulled 2007. He is now married with 4 kids. I am now married to a british national that's why I'm here in UK. On the annulment papers, the full custody of my daughter has been granted on me. He was granted a visitation rights but never exercised it really as we never see him any more, or any contact at all. We were abandoned by my ex and never ever support my daughter financially. I was the only one who worked hard to raised my daughter.

    My problem here is how can I prove that I have a 'sole responsibility' to my daughter, would it be enough to state on my support letter that I do all the decisions concerning my daughter, major or minor (even what vitamins she needs to take, i will decide). I always make sure to call her everyday, to ask how is she doing in school, how's her day, even before she sleeps, sometimes we would pray together on the phone.

    Should I ask my mom and sister who looks after my daughter to write a letter saying that we have an agreement before I left that everything concerning my daughter, they will consult it to me first? Should it be notarised by a lawyer?

    Please help guys, I want to make sure that when I apply for her visa, we'll get approved. Does anyone here have a sample of support letter in applying for your son/daughter's visa? Can you share it with me?

    By the way, I'm on ILR visa now, is it right that I'll sponsor my daughter and not my british husband? Rather he would co-sponsor me?

  4. #4
    Member Aingeall's Avatar
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    I may not be able to give you a proper advice on this matter, as it involves custody matter. Some people on this forum might be able to give you one. Hope everything goes well. best luck on your application.

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i've sent you a PM sweet_cookie

  6. #6
    Respected Member sweet_cookie08's Avatar
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    thanks very much sir Joe for your pm. really appreciate it.

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