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Thread: Passport amendment

  1. #1
    Respected Member myliitlehaven07's Avatar
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    Question Passport amendment

    sorry guys i keep flooding more questions on here as i get closer to my application. My passport will expire january next year i know that the passport is still valid for six months upon my application i was just thinking if i would have a problem on my application with my passport as it is still on my maiden name but has an amendment page? will this be a problem?

  2. #2
    Respected Member
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    I don't know which 'application' you mean but if your passport has been amended by your embassy then it remains a legal document for its period of validity.

    (As I have said many times before.

    In UK there is no law which permits or insists that a woman must change her name on marriage. To do so is a matter of choice, although most women do it ! However, even if you do not change your surname you are still legally married and entitled to everything which you would be entitled to if you had changed your surname).

    QUOTE i know that the passport is still valid for six months upon my application
    Hope someone understands what you mean by that and can assist, as it appears to me (I may have misunderstood) that what you say is not correct.

    I know if one is traveling to a country (other than the country of their nationality --- or in the case of an EU citizen to anther EU country) they MUST have six validity left on their passport to be allowed to travel. E.g. If I were going to Phil in January and my British passport was due expire the following May, I would have to renew it before I would be allowed to travel.

  3. #3
    Respected Member myliitlehaven07's Avatar
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    Thanks johncar, am applying for spouse visa and my passport is due to expire on January 18, 2012.

  4. #4
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    Shouldnt be a problem if you are applying now July 18 would be the six month cut off refered to.

    If that doesnt fit just apply for a new passport now

  5. #5
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    I changed my passport even if its not due to expire because i want to use my married name in it...saves me all the hassle as far as processing all my documents here in the UK.
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  6. #6
    Respected Member myliitlehaven07's Avatar
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    thanks guys am already on thinking of renewing my passport to avoid hassle as well problem is i have given an appointment in san fernando pampanga on July 6!!it will take that LOOOONGGGG :(

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