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Thread: Need help in travelling in U.K,,,really thanks..

  1. #1
    Member tipzy23's Avatar
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    Smile Need help in travelling in U.K,,,really thanks..

    hi! i'm grace from philippines and in-relationship to ray from scotland in U.K ,,,i need some help in travelling in U.K it would be my first time and im only 18 yrs. old...we love each other so much,,,and we decided to work together in aberdeen scotland..can someone help me in getting visa../??...or some travelling tips..

  2. #2
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    hi grace, welcome to the forum im from aberdeen area myself,
    lots of friendly members here who can help with info, but you will need to tell more about youself in order for them to know the answers you need,, what kind of visa , visitor/fiancee/marrage?, about you and your boyfriend,,,,,,,have you met how long ect,the more information you can give the better, also search the forum threads, there might already be your answers there,

  3. #3
    Member tipzy23's Avatar
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    Post tnx for the warm welcome

    Quote Originally Posted by imagine View Post
    hi grace, welcome to the forum im from aberdeen area myself,
    lots of friendly members here who can help with info, but you will need to tell more about youself in order for them to know the answers you need,, what kind of visa , visitor/fiancee/marrage?, about you and your boyfriend,,,,,,,have you met how long ect,the more information you can give the better, also search the forum threads, there might already be your answers there,
    it's good to see and know that your from Aberdeen. I'm in-relationship to my bf almost 3months,actually we never met but he will there at july 5 here in Philippines. We are not yet married but have a planned for our future. He offered me a work as a PR staff in scotland coz' he is a manger there. I don't know what will be the process of it since im only 18 yrs. old and my bf is turning to 50 in july. I don't know what visa should i take is it working visa coz' he is the one who will be my sponsorship or fiancee visa.??...

  4. #4
    Respected Member stevie c's Avatar
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    Hi tipzy welcome to the forum
    imagine is right you need to explain what visa you require as im sure a fiance or spouse visa would not be granted to you as you are only 18yrs old makes you too young to obtain a fiance or spouse visa according to the uk immigration laws i believe you have to be 21 yrs to obtain such a visa

  5. #5
    Member tipzy23's Avatar
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    Thanks Stevie and Imagine!

    yeah,it's true saw it just a couple of minutes in an article. But it is possible to an 18 yrs.old to get a working visa since my boyfriend the one who offered me a work as a PR Staff in scotland and the one who will sponsor to me?..

  6. #6
    Respected Member stevie c's Avatar
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    hI tipzy in not sure what the rules are on working visas but i know they are becoming extremely difficult to obtain joe bloggs or terpe will give you the info you need they will be online at some point today so hold tight & im sure you will soon have all answers you need

  7. #7
    Member tipzy23's Avatar
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    thanks your wife a Filipina??

  8. #8
    Respected Member stevie c's Avatar
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    yes she is a filipina she arrived here in the uk in november 2010

  9. #9
    Member tipzy23's Avatar
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    wow,,,hope your relationship will last,,,,good luck to both of you Stevie!

  10. #10
    Respected Member stevie c's Avatar
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    thank you tipzy & hope you get everthing you plan for

  11. #11
    Member tipzy23's Avatar
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    ur welcome Stevie!,,hoping too,,but maybe it takes a year before we live Ray in Scotland...

  12. #12
    Respected Member stevie c's Avatar
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    its worth the wait you are still young im sure everything will fall in to place dont rush important things in your life why you are still so very young

  13. #13
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    You won't get a work visa unless you have enough points, and the company that wants to employ you cannot find anyone else capable of doing the job within the EU.

    From what you have told us it also clearly looks like a way to circumvent immigration rules and that could get you banned from UK entry for up to 10 years.

    You would need a fiancee visa, but you need to be 21.
    Keith - Administrator

  14. #14
    Member tipzy23's Avatar
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    yeah,,in this matured mind,,time is very important to me,,,but excited to see him here in July,,,he is the one who give me a chance to love again,,very thankful to god,,i don't know what will i do if he get lost in my life..he is one of a kind..

  15. #15
    Member tipzy23's Avatar
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    thanks admin for such words..

  16. #16
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tipzy23 View Post
    yeah,,in this matured mind,,time is very important to me,,,but excited to see him here in July,,,he is the one who give me a chance to love again,,very thankful to god,,i don't know what will i do if he get lost in my life..he is one of a kind..
    hi tipzy, make sure you meet him first and take it from there
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  17. #17
    Member tipzy23's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post
    hi tipzy, make sure you meet him first and take it from there
    thanks for an advise...sure we will see each other by July,,really excited to see him,

  18. #18
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Hi Grace welcome to the forum Your 18 grace,you have just been given the following advice
    You would need a fiancee visa, but you need to be 21
    so it looks like your not going to join your boyfriend in the UK for at least 3 years,thats a long time when your 18 if the relationship is as serious as it seems may I suggest you spend the next three years doing a university course,your guy will sponsor you I am sure so when you do eventually arrive here your an asset to him,and you have a degree under your belt Concentrating on your education at your stage in life will take your mind off the 3 years your going to be temporarily seperated,good luck in life

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
    The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.

  19. #19
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    yes student visa is really your only way of getting to the UK.

  20. #20
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    Hi there Grace, welcome here.

    The information and advice you have receieved is all correct.

    Don't be in such a rush to plan marriage and settling down at only 18 years of age.
    Enjoy your young years now, they will never return.

    Just enjoy the planned holiday with your b/f and be sure to take very good care of yourself.
    You have only known each other for a very short time so I would urge you to take each step carefully. Plenty of good people here to guide and advise you.

    It is quite true that the only ways for you to be here in are very limited.
    Whatever anyone will tell you please never try to deceive the UK immigration either for entry or when you are here.

    To visit UK there are really only two routes:-
    - Tourist Visit
    - Student Visa

    The tourist visa is rather difficult for you to obtain I suspect. Also the maximum amount of time you can stay is 6 months.

    For the student visa details look here:-

    And also here:-

    Please review the details and costs.

    Take care and God Bless

  21. #21
    Member tipzy23's Avatar
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    Smile thanks!

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
    Hi Grace welcome to the forum Your 18 grace,you have just been given the following advice so it looks like your not going to join your boyfriend in the UK for at least 3 years,thats a long time when your 18 if the relationship is as serious as it seems may I suggest you spend the next three years doing a university course,your guy will sponsor you I am sure so when you do eventually arrive here your an asset to him,and you have a degree under your belt Concentrating on your education at your stage in life will take your mind off the 3 years your going to be temporarily seperated,good luck in life
    heyahh! thanks so much for advise,i appreciate it.,i understand if your really concerned about my age,i've been experienced so many trials in my life i can say that i'm all done in enjoying my young-time.,though really young in age but too matured in mind. As my young age i learned to be independent reason why not finished my college,,i can't do to depend my tuition to someone,i don't want my bf think that im a gold digger,,but really thanks for such great words..

  22. #22
    Member tipzy23's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    yes student visa is really your only way of getting to the UK.
    thanks joebloggs!,, i chatte recently some travel consultant,,the best way for now to have visa is tourist..

  23. #23
    Member tipzy23's Avatar
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    hi terpe!thanks a lot for those information..maybe i should take for now a tourist visa...coz' i can't afford to support my study there..really thanks,.take care 2,,god bless!

  24. #24
    Respected Member Ladybug_sim's Avatar
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    Hi! tipzy, welcome to the forum

    Just want to add my opinion here for you. At your age, I can only say that student visa is good for you coz you have your sponsor to get you here if you really want to go there with him. As what I know that while you study you can work part time or you can have part time job for your vacant time only if you dont want to depend on him. I agreed the opinion of some members on here but it is up to you too if you do a rush thing to go there.

    I'm glad to hear that you will meet in person this coming months and it is the time you will know him personally so keep it up and decide later of what you can do together. You have lots of information here to read too and if you have some question you are free to ask on here... just keep posting and do things what is good to you. For now, just enjoy your life at your age and if he really love you or you are meant to be together will time can wait.

    Tourist Visa is good if you have some wealth here in the Philippines or even your family mean you have your own property, you have your good education, good amount to show or good work to be back on here etc.

    To be honest a sisterly advise, at your age you can say that it is a very hot age to love the person you like ... just do it slowly and know him will ok... your love is always there if you love someone meant to you... some people say that at early age they got married they lost half of their life being single, it is ok if they have same age coz they grow older together but a bit younger or older than you mean need to think the future ahead as a married life is not easy task in life it is forever life you live together .. anyway good luck to both of you just enjoy your life being to together

    ladybug and sim11uk

  25. #25
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    Hi tipzy.

    I have been visiting and living there in the Phils for over 20 years.

    I also have a Filipina step-daughter who I brought here when she was 7 years old, and now she is 21.

    It is wonderful to fall in love and to have such high hopes for the future with your b/f, but I think you will know much better what you want to do after you have met your b/f and spent some time getting to each other.

    Has he visited the Phils before ?

    You must be so VERY careful when meeting people you've only known from the internet.
    Do make sure that you have a chaperone, such as a family member when you first meet, and don't ever break that rule.

    It is not possible for you to take a job here with your boyfriend.....certainly until you are 21, I don't care what he tells you...sorry.

    I wish you the best of luck, and do come here to the forum for any more advice you may need.

  26. #26
    Member tipzy23's Avatar
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    thanks so much to all of the advises,,ladybug,sim11uk & graham 48!!...

    it really helps me alot!....

  27. #27
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Grace ! Here, you can depend on friendly help and guidance.

    It's a very long time since I was 18. But - without wishing to put a dampner on your plans - I remember only too well how impressionable one is likely to be at that tender age. And it was not until reaching a more [shall we say?] "mature" stage in life, it gradually dawned on me that the hopes and aspirations I'd once held dear had changed quite considerably. By all means, meet this man, as arranged ... but proceed with the utmost caution ... ever mindful of the age difference between the two of you ... and - undoubtedly more to the point (as sensibly stressed by other respondents here!) the fact that, to date, you've only become acquainted with one another through the internet.

    also, with Graham's statement ... as regards the practical impossibility of securing employment in the UK until you're 21; even then it will still prove difficult ...

  28. #28
    Member tipzy23's Avatar
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    Thanks Arthur!,
    well guys some of you right in what you advised to me,there's a worst that happened to me yesterday...,,,,,

  29. #29
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    So please share with us what happened.

  30. #30
    Member tipzy23's Avatar
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    ,,hi graham!,,
    I don't understand him why this past few days after we talked about his visiting here in Philippines and visa,,i don't get any messages from him,,i wait him recently if he will appear in YM,,yeah happy that he is online,,,i ask him " why you've gone for a few days?",,,he answered me "I need someone who will be here to comfort me,it will be a big problem to me in arranging you here"...shocked about what he answered to know i lived in my own where my family who get me out of their house....he is the only person left in my life then here what will i've got,,,i can't blame him coz' we've been in relationship coz' of chatting and calling even in video...i guess it's not all worth to him and not enough,,sad after planning our dreams this will happened to me..

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