Hi all, I will try keep this a brief intro but may well fail..

Many years ago I frequented chatsites via moble phone (WAP) I came across "pinoys" on some sites, some sites even provided them with a room. It soon became evident that these pinoys were rather different to most people I had come across on chatsites, there was a consistent theme of very friendly, very chatty, funny and welcoming, only canucks (Canadians) come close online. Many years later I returned to chatsites out of curiosity but this time on PC. It was a while before I came across any pinoys and as soon as I did it all came flooding back. After chatting a bit more in depth I was intrigued at how different the women were, well, I couldn't get my head round it, still can't. Some were keen to find a foreign bf/husband and of course alarm bells ring. The answers I was given as to why they wanted foreign husbands and their reactions to some of my politely put cynicisms left me wondering still further. I joked with one about setting up a dating service between us and that got me thinking, googled UK sites and this came close to top of list.. So here I am.. Not to actually start a dating service, I guess I have been bitten (nicely) and some of the posts I have read on here echo my observations of pinoy women and its all a bit much to get my head round with the stigma of "import/mail order brides" not seeming fitting with their (seemingly) genuinely romantic ideals... What's it all about? lol