I sent the certified copy of the Conveyance & Title Deed. My mortgaged is directly debited from the bank statements I forwarded in the Embassy when my mum lodged in the application on the 27th April. Guess they didn't give me enough time to gather all the additional requirements they are requesting before scheduling an interview on Tuesday. You probably know I can't just get them in a snap of a finger. They phoned her yesterday & advised her to get the originals on her interview date. Even DHL courier couldn't guarantee it'll be there in time. DHL told me it'll be 3 working days. As you know I had to go to my Solicitor & Inland Revenue to get plead today, but I failed to get the paperworks. I emailed my mum & told her to show them the Child Benefit & Child Tax Credit that goes into my account, which are clearly written in my bank statements every 4wks.
Now, I don't know if she'll be allowed to enter the interview room without these documents...her interview time is 9:15am.