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Thread: Eldery Dependent Application

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  1. #1
    Member Aingeall's Avatar
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    By the way, Northern Ireland is part of UK.

  2. #2
    Member Aingeall's Avatar
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    My mum got a phone call from the embassy to tell her she's for interview. They are asking her for additional requirements. (1)tax credit award letter for UK sponsor, (2)independent accommodation report of UK sponsor house.
    What is the tax credit award letter? Is the conveyance report not enough as proof of my accommodation.
    Can someone please help.

  3. #3
    Member Aingeall's Avatar
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    My mum got a phone call from the embassy to tell her she's for interview. They are asking her for additional requirements. (1)tax credit award letter for UK sponsor, (2)independent accommodation report of UK sponsor house.
    What is the tax credit award letter? Is the conveyance report not enough as proof of my accommodation.
    Can someone please help.

  4. #4
    Member Aingeall's Avatar
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    My mum got a phone call from the embassy to tell her she's for interview. They are asking her for additional requirements. (1)tax credit award letter for UK sponsor, (2)independent accommodation report of UK sponsor house.
    What is the tax credit award letter? Is the conveyance report not enough as proof of my accommodation. What is the independent report?
    Can someone please help.

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aingeall View Post
    By the way, Northern Ireland is part of UK.
    it is, but i assumed your husband had Irish and British passports so you could have tired to bring your mom using a family permit, but from your later post i see you got ILR thru a work-permit

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