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Thread: Eldery Dependent Application

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  1. #1
    Member Aingeall's Avatar
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    I'll check the link on overcrowding. The only ones living in our home is my immediate family. My husband & three kids. It's a 3 bedroom end terrace apartment w/ extension as sun lounge.
    My mom & I have a joint account in the Philippines. It's the money I sent from 2005. I even sent the transactions of money I've sent from the bank here to the Philippines from then. It's not a lot now...maybe around P200K. Would that be enough? But I also have £600 on my UK current account after debits.
    My sister here in UK sends money now to my mom that she's earning more. Will she tell the embassy about that? Or will she just say she's solely dependent on me.
    My mum has no other immediate family back home, as all her sisters passed away years ago. But she has some nieces & nephews in the province. Worst is some of them borrow money from her without paying because they know all her daughters are already here in UK. And since they know my mum's soft spot, they can get what they expect. That's one of the reason I want to bring her that they won't bother her anymore coz she's getting stressed out with her nieces/nephews family financial problem.
    Otherwise, my mum is physically healthy. She just wants to be with me & my sister, and to spend more time with her grandkids. And I want her to travel Europe without problem. I've always dreamed of her traveling the world on my cost just to repay her of loving us. I might be getting emotional, but that's just what I want for her.

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    what sex are you kids and what ages are they ?

    you might have a problem with overcrowding, that's why you need an independent assessment report done.but its not just the number of bed rooms that counts, other rooms can be used to if they are over a certain size.

    you really don't want your mom to have much in the way of savings, as they can say she doesn't have to be dependent on you if she has alot, and if she has much in savings or pension etc, the embassy could say she could have a reasonable standard of living in the phils with that money.

    you really need the documents they asked for

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