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Thread: GF to UK visitor visa- would THIS work????

  1. #1
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    GF to UK visitor visa- would THIS work????

    I met my Filipina GF while working in Hong Kong a few years back. she was a domestic helper, we ended up living together, however i recently had to come back to UK for various reasons. I now want her to come over to stay here, as quickly as possible.

    Our plan is,

    we apply for a visitor visa for about 5 days. standard trip to London. we get her employer in HK to write a supporting letter. she says she is going sight seeing. next, she is transferring about 40,000hkd into her account to show she has money for her trip. we will present a full itinery, return flights and a stay in a youth hostel (you only need to put down 10% deposit, shell be staying with me) all for 5 days is the bit i am unsure about (that she thinks will work out fine) when she enters she gets a 6 month visitor visa. she has told them that she is only staying 5 days, but she is legally allowed to stay for 6 months. so she ditches the return flight, and it gives us 6 months for us to get her a job.. so if she says she is going to stay for 5 days then "changes her mind" and stays for under 6 months, will immigration get arsey with her when she leaves to go back to HK?

    -I am fully prepared to get married (was going to wait a bit longer but if push comes to shove and i know shes the one!) not sure how thats going to work out, do i need to go to philippines? also if we are married in philippines can she come back with me??

    This has been the most logical plan of action considering all the advice we have heard from various people who claim to be in the know. I thought id ask some people who have been through the same thing, also by reading some of the other threads you guys seem to know what you are talking about.

    Ive heard that a fiance or spouse visa is going to take years, and is expensive, which is why we decided to not say we were a couple.. also i heard on this site fiance visa is relatively painless..

    i left her with some cash to help her come over, and she is taking out a bank loan to prove she has cash in her bank account. her employer understands the situation and doesn't mind how long she leaves for.

  2. #2
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    I am fully prepared to get married
    It would simplify things for both of you mate if you went back to Honkers and got married there,most of my old mates married DH's in Honkers,its easy enough,whatever you decide good luck.

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  3. #3
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    I agree.

    Marry her in Hong Kong (as have several of my friends), then take it from there.

    Don't even think of trying what you're suggesting, as you'll likely come unstuck.

    Practically impossible for a Filipina to get a visitor visa to UK nowadays, so take the spouse route...even if you have to part for a while.

  4. #4
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    Hi there fltynose
    During the review of the application the ECO will want to know the source of the substantial deposit into the bank account.
    The ECO will also need to be convinced of compelling reasons for her to return before expiry of the visa. Needs more than a letter from her employer.
    Usually tourist visa's a very tricky to predict. Your hypothetical case may work given sufficient and convincing supporting evidence.

    If your g/f makes it to UK, you will need to consider that the visa is only valid for 6 months. Do you have a plan of action to transform a tourist visa into some other visa that will ensure she can remain legally?

    Please also be informed that securing legal employment for a non-EU passport holder is no task for the faint-hearted or cash-strapped. Nor for any prospective employer.

    Whatever difficulties you heard about the application and granting of fiancee or spouse visa is nothing compared to the difficulties your g/f will face if she cannot comply with all legal requirements.

    Based on the information you provided, I suggest a review of the requirements for Spouse Visa and the implementation of a realistic strategy to getting married in HK and applying for that.

    Good luck to you both in your life changing decisions

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