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Thread: This made me laugh all day

  1. #1
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    This made me laugh all day

    When I started work at 8am this morning a colleague rang me to tell me this.....

    One of our drivers had a job to bring a guy in a wheelchair to the train station to catch the train to London this morning.
    As he pushed the man to the platform the guy in wheelchair said '.... I have forgotten my laptop'
    So he asked the taxi driver to rush back to his house to collect it.

    This the driver did and shot back to the station,meanwhile the man in chair had been put on train so our driver jumped on,found the customer and gave the laptop to the very relieved customer

    Just as he gave him it the doors shut on the train and it started moving

    The driver rushed through the carriages and tried to open doors to jump off but they are electrically sealed

    He asked the Conductor who said the train is en-route to London and next stop is Horsforth near Leeds

    He had to remain on train while his unlocked car remained in station,then get a train back asap.

    I have made sure the whole of Blue-line (94) drivers are fully aware and every customer I have picked up has been told the story

    A true classic in it's own right and really made my day

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Is her related to Monty Python
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Trusted Member
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    What a 'Carry On'.

  4. #4
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Funnily enough, I've long had a horror of something like this happening to me, Les ... even if I'm boarding a train for just a few minutes to help another person with their luggage!

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