Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
I think you will really enjoy the trip.
I also believe you will leave wanting to learn and feel more about China.

I lived for a while in a northern industrial town of about 1mill people. I was probably the only westerner there. Terrible place!!!

But................. I had plenty of time and permission to tour around on the trains (free) and found the area around me so beautiful, and the whole culture and people so very fascinating. ( I feel like saying inscrutable or difficult to really get to understand but sound too much of a cliche)

I reckon you'll want more
Hopefully it will be a good first taste of real China for me, I don't really think I can call previous trips to HK and Macau real China. You could be right, I may well want to go back and see much more of China. I've been to India many times and was captivated by it, I'm sure that China holds the same charms and will leave a lasting impression on me