Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
I have often thought about having a traditional intertwining Japanese Koi on the top of my arm and shoulder... but have not done it yet, not sure if i ever will, but I am not offended by the thought.
While some tattoos can look quite 'tatty' and 'common' some can be tasteful and beautiful works of art. Some are worn as badges, some to shock. If done with discrection I see no harm.
Some of the Japanese tattoos do look good. Many years ago I went to the Tattoo Museum in Amsterdam, they have the preserved skins of several Yakuza in there, it might sound a bit sick, but the artwork was spectacular.
As I've said in previous posts, I'm not going to have any myself, but each to their own. Personally, I do think they look better on men than women, and I'm not a big fan of the ones that are just a scrawled name. Many friends of mine have tattoos, some regret them and others dont.
It does seem to be a subject that divides opinion. Rightly or wrongly people are going to judge a person on their physical appearance and first impressions do play a part in business. In my workplace we have very clear rules on tattoos, they must not be visible. It makes me wonder how people with tattoos on their hands, necks, faces and heads get an office type job? I suppose it's ok if you are multi millionaire rock star or run your own business, but it must be hard to get a job if you've got a swastika on your forehead.