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Thread: Unequivocal "NO" To Scottish Independence

  1. #1
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Unequivocal "NO" To Scottish Independence

    Thankfully, the UK Electorate has seen sense in demonstrating its overwhelming opposition to 'Alternative Voting'.

    Concurrently, Alec Salmond and the SNP have won a clear mandate to govern north of the border ... boosting the Party's [longer term] visions of *Scotland becoming independent.

    But ... like [still] many of my fellow countrymen (and women - lest anyone accuse me of being sexist! ) I hope and that such a split will *NEVER be allowed to happen!

  2. #2
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    It's nice to see a Scot firmly in favor of the union. I agree and believe the UK is far stronger as a country with Scotland, England, Wales and NI all playing a role. I'm British and proud of it (despite what my forum name says )

    We also have the best flag in the world, I'd hate the see the blue soltire go from it

  3. #3
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    Salmond wouldn't have any £ to spend if it wasn't for the English taxpayer

  4. #4
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    If we split then how the Scots going to jobs here-they will be illegal immagrants
    Seriously tho I hope they stay in UK

  5. #5
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    Can they fill the place up with all our illegals first please.

    ...Or we could always shove them across the border later, like the Italians do.

  6. #6
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    Whatever the English or Scots say about each other in jest, we have both made each others nations stronger in the last 400 years.

    Yesterday I heard on the radio that there will be 7 Glaswegian Managers in the Premier League next season. Most of greatest English League managers have been Scots. Scots have also played an important role in many other areas (Medicine, Science, discovery, banking, insurance, electronics...etc) and helped GREAT BRITAIN become the super power that it was during the Industrial Revolution and Victorian Era.

    Both nations have helped each other, we should stop the talk of independent nations and stand proudly together with the Welsh (and Northern Irish) as the United Kingdom of Great Britain (& NI)

  7. #7
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    Whatever the English or Scots say about each other in jest, we have both made each others nations stronger in the last 400 years.

    Yesterday I heard on the radio that there will be 7 Glaswegian Managers in the Premier League next season. Most of greatest English League managers have been Scots. Scots have also played an important role in many other areas (Medicine, Science, discovery, banking, insurance, electronics...etc) and helped GREAT BRITAIN become the super power that it was during the Industrial Revolution and Victorian Era.

    Both nations have helped each other, we should stop the talk of independent nations and stand proudly together with the Welsh (and Northern Irish) as the United Kingdom of Great Britain (& NI)
    The Welsh

  8. #8
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    What about all the Scottish politicians, captains of industry etc in England ?

  9. #9
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    And Gordon Brown

  10. #10
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    Well, maybe we could cancel his passport and then deport him back to Haggisland.

    And what about that lunatic who was on Big Brother ?

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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Can they fill the place up with all our illegals first please.

    ...Or we could always shove them across the border later, like the Italians do.
    I've always dreamed of those grubs and the criminals being shipped out in their underwear to that island where they meddled with anthrax in WWII - all is needed is to ring it with razor wire

  12. #12
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Three cheers for the RED, WHITE and BLUE ... And long may we continue to flourish as one great Nation!

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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    What about all the Scottish politicians, captains of industry etc in England ?
    I deliberately didn't mention the recent bunch of Labour Chancellors....I wouldn't blame their incompetence on being Scottish though...more to do with Labours historical ability to completely screw up the economy by giving freebies to people who don't deserve them...they've had plenty of English Chancellors who've made a mess of it too.

  15. #15
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Three cheers for the RED, WHITE and BLUE ... And long may we continue to flourish as one great Nation!

  16. #16
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    Why should Scottland not be its own indapendant country? I suport that.

  17. #17
    Respected Member Amaw2008's Avatar
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    Scottish Independence

    Quote Originally Posted by Ardal View Post
    Why should Scottland not be its own indapendant country? I suport that.
    I agree with Arthur on this one, I lived in Scotland for a long time as a child, and I think that there is very strong support for the continuation of the union. I'ts not so much the English that they love, it's her majesty the queen

  18. #18
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    One of the things that never seems to get pointed out is that if Scotland becomes independent, it will not be in the EU, nor will it have an embassies around the world with 'buddy' contacts for business. It'd have to start from scratch and therefore be lower down the pecking order than the Faroe Islands.
    Keith - Administrator

  19. #19
    Respected Member branno's Avatar
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    worth a read

  20. #20
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Much as I dislike the very notion of Scotland ever "going it alone" ...

    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    ... it will not be in the EU ...
    ... would that REALLY be such a bad thing?

  21. #21
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    ... just IMAGINE ... the "Jocks" - all 5M of them - having to queue up for visas ... simply in order to visit their 'nearest and dearest' down South!

  22. #22
    Respected Member branno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    ... just IMAGINE ... the "Jocks" - all 5M of them - having to queue up for visas ... simply in order to visit their 'nearest and dearest' down South!
    all singing "sweet flower of scotland"

  23. #23
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    ... Salmond - with all due respect - might be a skilled politician ... but, from his television appearances, he comes across as being a ed-up wee windbag!

  24. #24
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by branno View Post

    worth a read
    Tried to access, Rob ... but no joy!

  25. #25
    Respected Member branno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Tried to access, Rob ... but no joy!
    im quite relieved now ill retry n post it

  26. #26
    Respected Member branno's Avatar
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    I suppose it would be like Rep.of they can come and do what they like here with no restrictions, in or out of the EU.

    On our way to Haggisland we'd probably be asked to pay at the turnstyle though.

  28. #28
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Salmond ... comes across as being a ed-up wee windbag!
    And ... God forbid ... his Deputy, Nicola Sturgeon seems to be a product of "that ilk", herself! Let's suppose her boss got his way ... and it all went pear-shaped ... which it surely would ...

    ... it'd be a case of ""

  29. #29
    Respected Member branno's Avatar
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    For England Anglocentric news, views and campaigns Home Campaign Fight the balkanisation of England Why I’m voting for the English Democrats today
    by Wyrdtimes on June 4, 2009 in devolution, English Democrats, English Parliament, freedom

    Last night Old Holborn invited submissions from the small parties standing today in the Euro elections. A bit late in the day for an official response so I had a stab at it. It’s rough and ready and I confess to having had a few jars before writing it. I missed out some major points but I stand by it. If you’re offended by harsh anglo-saxon language you know what to do.

    I’m voting English Democrat because I am English. and I am thoroughly pissed off by the way my country gets treated by the “UK”. I’m not a member of the party and these are not necessarily the views of the party – just how I see it, as a free born Englishman.

    Devolution & democracy.

    The Scots have their own parliament, the Welsh and Northern Irish their own assemblies – working in the interests of their own people. Fine and dandy. I have no problem with that. But what about England? We get the “UK” government that seems to work in everyone’s interest apart from the English. English taxes get syphoned off left, right and centre – in aid, to the EU (how much of that £40 million a day is squeezed out of England? FFS). And although the Scots, Welsh and Northern Irish always argue the toss my gut feeling is it gets spread about the “UK” as well.

    About 90% of law passed in Westminster concerns devolved issues. That means that the Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish equivalents are handled in their respective government by their own representatives. English law is handled by the UK parliament which is made up of English MPs plus Scots, Welsh and Northern Irish MPs. English MPs cant touch devolved law in our neighbours countries but they can .... about with England’s law. Scots, Welsh and Northern Irish MPs can’t actually influence devolved law in their own constituencies! All they can do is .... about with England. And they do.

    Most insulting of all as far as I’m concerned is that they don’t even have the decency to call England – England. They call it the “regions”. The one eyed snot gobbler calls it “our country” or “the country” – he just can’t bring himself to say “England” for fear that the natives will finally wake up to the fact that he represents a Scottish constituency and consequently – what the .... is he doing to my country; England?

    Worth a watch


    By now nearly everyone has heard of the Barnett Formula but for donkeys years it was one of Westminster’s best kept secrets – and that’s the way they wanted it and that’s the way many of them want it now.

    These are the latest figures for funding per person across the UK

    Northern Ireland £9,577
    Scotland £9,032
    Wales £8,493
    England £7,426

    Bottom of the pile. England. Fourth class subjects in our own country.

    Look beyond the numbers. This affects every part of life. Health, Transport, Education, it affects every government area. Just take health. Take prescriptions £7.20 a pop in England, £4 a script in Scotland and gratis in Wales. The Scots have better access to life saving drugs for certain cancers etc. If you get old and infirm in England you have to sell your house to pay for care – not so in Scotland.

    All because of the Barnett Formula. Only the English Democrats will do anything about it.

    The English regions

    Now the counter argument is that those Barnett figures are not fair and that the “English regions” all get funded differently. The UK is “nations and regions” to our imperious overlords. The nations are Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland – the regions are the country formerly know as England.

    Well I don’t remember ever voting to have my country balkanised. In fact the only time there was ever any kind of vote on the English regions was a “regional” referendum on an assembly for the bogus “North East region” the idea was rejected soundly by the people of Northumberland, Durham and Yorkshire. Doesn’t matter – the “English regions” are a done deal to the British government and the EU.

    As usual the English people don’t ....... matter.

    So I say those Barnett figures stand. England is one nation and should be recognised as such. Only the English Democrats will do anything about it.


    Last week Frank Field; a personal hero of mine winkled out a statistic from government about Immigration into the UK. When you think about it I’m sure it’s something you all know.

    This is from the Times story – note it was published under the Scotland section.

    Between 1991 and the 2007 a net 2.14million migrants came to England. But in Scotland for the same period net foreign migration was a paltry 105,000.

    In effect, the statistics mean that England absorbed 20 times more international migrants than Scotland even though the population is only 10 times larger. England also took 11 times more migrants than Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland combined, even though its population is only 5 times larger than these three parts of the UK put together.

    It wasn’t reported on the BBC at all, and it doesn’t include the number of illegals which is anyone’s guess.

    None of these people coming into England are told to be English – they are told to be British. No wonder then that certain groups have such problems integrating into the country.

    There are 340,000 Scots living in London alone! No doubt all proud Brits! Is there much anti Scot feeling in England? No. Is there anti English feeling in Scotland and Wales? You betcha! This Britishness crap only works one way. The English have to forget they are English and every other johnny come lately can be whoever he or she wants to be.

    They talk about British tolerance. That’s English tolerance.

    If you come to live in England and as far as I’m concerned we’re ....... full. Be English.

    All the other stuff

    These are the main issues as I see them. But there are a legion of niggley insults meted out to the English on a daily basis.

    We can’t fly our flag without being branded racist or it being considered a health and safety threat and taken down by lefty councils. English produced food is marked with the Union flag – Scottish produced food is marked with the Saltire – go and ....... check next time you’re in the supermarket. Why? Research suggests that the main reasons are that some people might be offended by the Cross of St George and that the Scots and Welsh wouldn’t buy if it was marked with the CoSG.

    My view; if you find the Cross of St George offensive – don’t live in the country who’s national symbol it is!

    There have been dubious tinkerings with the continental shelf act – not in England’s favour. Monmouthshire changed hands between England and Wales without a vote being cast. The Scots are moving in on Berwick on Tweed. And the people don’t seem to mind because of the ....... Barnett Formula and all the benefits that the Scots get.

    The BBC seems to have forgotten what white English people look like.. We’re only good to pay their rotten license fee. Go and look at, and for a quick example of their priorities.

    Trivial maybe but it all adds up. I urge you to start thinking about England and you will soon begin to see what I mean.

    Don’t worry, nearly finished

    We’re told endlessly that we’re stronger together and the Union must be protected. Well the UK is stronger together and apart it doesn’t exist. But England. England doesn’t exist with the Union together. We have no voice, no recognition, no representation – nothing. England is stronger apart.

    Fundamentally I believe that English taxes should be spent in England. I believe that English law is the only law we need. Ultimately I think the only way we will ever get back to that stage is to set a course to English independence.

    Establishing an English parliament is a stepping stone to that. The English Democrats are the only party who stand for an English parliament.

    Only one party will do anything for the people of England. All we have to do is remember that we are English.


    PS. Forgot about the EU. .... the EU. Trade yes federal union – no ....... chance.

    Tags: England, English Democrats, rant
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    3 Responses to “Why I’m voting for the English Democrats today”
    QM June 4, 2009 at 12:16 pm #
    The minute they drop their links with the England First Party, they’ll get my vote back. Until then I’m very reluctant to give my vote to a party linked with another that even the BNP consider to be racist.
    JUstice aid December 10, 2009 at 2:14 am #
    The corruption of the High Court of Justice of England.
    It has now been proven with extensive records, Justice in the High Court of Justice of England is a game of partnerships, of unions where they take the rights of others, for their own gains.
    The High Court of Justice of England, For centuries, one cannot raise the voice to a Judge, since either you will be penalized or simply the Hearing will adjourn. But this is the power of The High Court of Justice of England to do as they wish with your life, but nearly at all times far from Justice.
    The High Court of Justice of England does not have time to hear cases, but also usually will not her you, will not really see you case, maybe is a conflict of two years, or five years, were maybe everyday you fight for justice, yet, in twenty granted minutes to be heard, if lucky, The High Court of Justice of England Judges may be thinking on lunch, or simply other matters, and ruling will be nearly always unfair, unjust and based on friendships with the solicitors
    The High Court of Justice of England is just that, a center of theft and preferences, but far from Justice
    The High Court of Justice is the center of deception and the twisting of laws for their advantages of friends and solicitors charging thousands from the victims of distress, the interpretation is in each word, were you will find injustice depending on which side you are in.
    The High Court of Justice of England based their findings on case law, were they use case of Deception and are used over and over again, even if, they defer from the law, just the mastering of deception.
    In their side, Justice means, they always win, in the people side, if you are face against one of them or against one of their donators or friends, then, you will suffer from all types of injustices.
    The High Court of Justice of England I have found is full of Judges who ignore the rights of the people, who ignore the Laws, who ignore the Human Rights, but who can go against them, solicitors? They are in it, or they will be removed or all their future cases lost.
    Other government they are part of it, all is one big entity of corruption, the system…
    Were the people feed them, or I should say, The High Court of Justice of England feeds from People.
    The High Court of Justice of England is full of Judges that they should have been retired, their capacity to judge is unwise, they have problem reading and hearing, they have problem see a far.
    I have come to see, the fraud and deception in The High Court of Justice of England, their racism to sex, The High Court of Justice of England racism to race, The High Court of Justice of England blindness to the rights of others, or their circumstances they may face.

    I have come to see that entering the High Court of Justice of England, I will be more scared to enter such court of deprivation of rights then the most dangerous area of a town.
    In The High Court of Justice of England is just to deprive you from all, in minutes.
    In the dangerous area you may actually be able to defend yourself, or take other actions.
    I High Court of Justice of England. The Center of deceptions of all kinds, alterations of records, omissions for their own gains, for their own protection and concealment of all their wrongs, The High Court of Justice of England has good judges, but are few.
    The High Court of Justice of England feeds from crime, and I guess this says more.
    One you find a problem with the system in The High Court of Justice of England beware, other agencies will retaliate against you the High Court of Justice of England will retaliate, very diplomatically.
    Once you find corruption in The High Court of Justice of England beware, you will lose all, because through their sick interpretation of law, and ignoring other laws, they will destroy you in minutes.
    The High Court of Justice of England, is the deceptive practice of all kinds, on the name of Justice.
    Mr Stephen Round April 25, 2010 at 12:20 am #
    Why is there no English Government….

    Dear Sir,
    Why are we English invisible, why are we unrepresented,why are we overrun by others who refuse to recognise our Country and our Identity surely you – with you’re history – can Identify with us? Why should we be british for thieves in London, why is our Identity refused us…

    GREETINGS FROM THE (only) ENGLISH EMBASSY in the World – I wonder why? Why is there no English Government … who stole our Identity so as to make more of it’s own!

    Dear Sir,
    According to The Atlantic Charter of 1941 signed by Winston Spencer Churchill and Franklin Delano Rooseveldt every Country in Europe should have the benefit of a democratically elected government once the Second World War was over. What of England – how did we disappear….

    Only City’s have Empire’s. Why should we English be told to be british by every pipsqueak and moribund public and private artificial construct in London’s arsenal of manifestations, why comply when it brings no relevent democratic or economic benefits to us of any kind. Why are we subjected to a continual barrage of specious yet invasive media advertisements??? adversiding against us in programme film and paper form while the entirely selfish rogue Capital of …. britain exploits us systematically.

    Some magnificent scam, thieving away with our sensibilities: the whole edifice is a manufactured entity. I would have thought the Commonwealth Countries would get wise in time but even they remain silent … mysteriously servile and compliant without making any form of humanitarian representation about this blatant abuse of England and the English people. Scotland Wales and Ireland have their own governments why are we English absent from the realm of Nations – who made us invisible.

    A Dictator doesn’t have to be a person, history proves conclusively that a dictator can be a City exploiting its position for its own advantage. All of China bankrolled the Olympic Games for Beijing’s cultural emancipation – imagine who bankrolls London year on year on year who’s invisible assets back up every event it manages … 365-24-7? Who pays for its almost countless public attractions it’s – Bloodsucking Intellectual Troposphere, London’s Royal Family, London’s Parliament, London’s Museums, London’s Art Galleries, London’s Orchestras. London’s Theatres and Opera’s – a mutual apprecion society with no visible means of support!

    Mr Stephen Round
    WF9 2XL
    TEL: 01977641791

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  30. #30
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by branno View Post
    worth a read
    Bingo! Got it now, Rob ... and - as you say - "worth a read"!

    Poor, downtrodden England. [sniff!] Still ... fair do's ... at least your soccer team won the World Cup - even if it was 45 years ago!

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