Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
It must be absolutely wonderful to be have lead a completely blameless life and to never have made an errors.

I would love to be able to say that, but I would be lying.

We all make do things which in hindsight we know were stupid but most time we are lucky that the results are not devastating and even more lucky, that the mistakes did not become public knowledge and thus allow all the 'perfect ones' to tell us, over and over again, how stupid our mistakes were. !!!

john i've not lead a blameless life, but i've never left my kids alone in the house, not even for 1 min never mind go for a meal in a restaurant 120metres away.

little joe is over 4yrs old now, no way could i leave him in the house alone, he could wake up anytime, open doors etc, that would be irresponsible