I have know my B/F now for 2 years.
We are now married as of 8th April 2007 in the Philippines.
(he is now living in Makati with me in our house)
He wants me to visit UK but I am afraid that i will not like it there.
We never want to live there anyway, just visit his relatives for approx 2/3 months every year.
Now we are married we can apply for a spouse visa, BUT thats 50,000 peso, and IF i dont like it in the UK its a waste of money, and it takes 5/6 months to get (email from UKVACS verified that)
So we are thinking that IF we apply for a tourist/visitors visa for 6 monhs AND IF I like it in the UK THEN we can apply for a
'Certificate of Approval' from UKVISA and then we can get married in the UK and apply for me to stay for 2 years.
We are NOT 'Cheap Charlies' but it seems a waste of money if I do NOT like it there.
What I want to know is this
Has anyone on here done this before, travel to the UK on a visitors visa then decide to get married and apply for a marriage visa when in the UK??
Can it be that simple as this link suggests??
Thanks everyone for you advise