Quote Originally Posted by poss30 View Post
oh dear.my heads in the shed.my gf has just rang me to say she isnt really 22but 18 and i think she has tried to get her passport with somebody elses id(dont know how u can try that but i couldnt understand her coz she was crying so much)i hope not anyway.im supposed to be going to see her in 2 weeks but i dont know what to do now.she was in tears and says she loves me and wants to be with me here in england but that now makes us 13yrs apart in age.i love her so much im devastated i presume she has to be 21 to come with me anyway.well im gonna close shop and go buy some vodka get drunk and .sorry i just wanted to share that with someone
Why she never tell you bout her real age?? what's her reason????
Where she from again?

One of the member here has a filipino gf and she's 18 too and the guy is same age as you! And they are going to apply fiancee visa in autum this year!

Just go and see her, see how it works for u both