I am so lucky Phil, because I have custody of my precious son now.
Stay strong and focused on maintaining your contact with him (and his mother), no matter what is thrown in your path.
You're going to have to swallow your pride on occasion, put up with all kinds of humiliations, and go through some dark times, but if you stick with it you'll have a son who will be proud of his dad, and who will see beyond any mud thrown at your name by other parties.
When I came back from the Phils in 2003, after making sure that my ex, our son and my 2 stepkids had been safely sent on ahead of me to England and settled into a nice home together, I basically found myself homeless, penniless, and the wife living in that home with another man.
In the middle of this was my beloved and innocent 10 year-old boy, plus the two who also knew me as dad.
I was ready for jumping in the river I can tell you, and in fact I had to be admitted to a mental institution that night...having been off the plane less than a day.
I was in there for 2 weeks for my own protection.
It was a kind and thoughtful taxi driver taking me to a bed and breakfast place for the homeless who told me that I had to be strong for my boy's sake, and to show him, my son what kind of man I was.
From that point on I resolved to fight my way back, to provide a home for him and regular weekends of fun and laughter together.
I'm proud to say that I was able to do that, to pull myself out from what seemed like a dark bottomless pit of despair, to where I am now with my wonderful boy sharing his life with me every day.
Don't ever give up Phil.
Just take things one day at a time, and keep focused on not only the struggles, but also the joys that lie ahead.