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Thread: applying for child's visa nearly 3 years apart

  1. #1
    Respected Member sweet_cookie08's Avatar
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    applying for child's visa nearly 3 years apart

    hi all,

    i really need help and advice from people here who had experience of applying visa for their son/daughter's visa.

    We are planning to get my daughter end of this year. It would be nearly 3 years since I've been away from her. I came here Jan 2009. Because of unexpected circumstances (personal/family) we were not able to get her right away. Would this be a problem, us being apart for 3 years and applying for her visa just now?

    Also, my marriage with her dad was annulled and her custody was granted on me. On the annulment, it says: 'The custody of their minor child _______ shall remain with the petitioner (which is me), with visitation rights to hererin respondent'. Can this be a very good proof that I have the sole custody of my daughter? He never ever visited my child or give any support since he abandoned us (when my child is around 3 years old). So my daughter have not seen him again or have any contact with him. We don't know where he is now.

    Regarding 'sole responsibility' which is I believe i need to prove as well, is that the same as 'sole custody'? How can I prove that I have sole responsibility to my daughter over the span of almost 3 years? I would call her, my mom and sister (who looks after her) almost everyday. All decisions are made by me, even what vitamins she would take, what summer course/activity she will take, how many clothes she needs to buy, etc. In short, my mom and sister won't make any decision for my child, except they have spoken to me or I have instructed them. But how can I prove that, as I would only most of the time communicate to my mom and sister through phone?

    What other documents/evidence do I need to submit to ensure she will be granted a visa?

    Need help please, I really want her to be with me now. Thanks in advance for those who will give advise.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Hi there, during the 3 years if I may ask, have you visited her since? If you did, you need to submit photos as well, if not, you need to present remittance receipts or whichever that can prove that you have been supporting your child. Make sure that you have copies of communication with the people who are looking after her, provide screen shots when your in touch with them using web cams... I'm just not quite sure if you still need to get a permit or consent from your husband if you want to take her there... It would depend how old she is, if she's below 7 you don't need to but I'm not quite sure. Better contact DSWD.


    A minor who is the subject of ongoing custody battle between parents will not be issued a travel clearance unless a Court Order is issued to allow the child to travel abroad with either one of his/her parents or authorized guardian. The family shall be responsible to notify the Bureau of Immigration to include the name of the child/ren in the watchlist of minors travelling abroad. It is therefore the Bureau of Immigration’s responsibility to ensure that no child under the watchlist order leaves the country."

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