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Thread: ilr

  1. #1
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    it's still gunna be a year before we apply for ilr but we want to start gathering the documents for it soon. we just want to know,apart from the life in the uk test,what else are the requirements or documents we should provide when applying for it. any advice plss. thanks a lot!!

  2. #2
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lime View Post

    it's still gunna be a year before we apply for ilr but we want to start gathering the documents for it soon. we just want to know,apart from the life in the uk test,what else are the requirements or documents we should provide when applying for it. any advice plss. thanks a lot!!
    Go to the UK Border Agency website ... which explains how to apply for permission to settle permanently in the United Kingdom as the husband/wife/civil partner of a British national already present and settled here. Application Form SET(M) refers ...

  3. #3
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    ... and to the friendly, online filipino/uk community.

  4. #4
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    May I also suggest you take a look at the Application form for Naturalisation (if British Citizenship may be required in the future)
    The reason is that there are requirements relating to absences from UK that are not mentioned in the ILR form. The absences count back into ILR period.

    I would also advise preparing for and taking the Life in UK Test asap. Leaving it will only build up pressure to study and pass. The test may be taken as many times as is needed.

  5. #5
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    Thanks arthur and terpe! i have read the guidelines for set (M) and it only says passport and signed photo of me and my partner and the result of life in the uk test. it says something about the supporting documents but they didn't specify. ive been reading posts here and it has been mentioned about the utility bills, do we need to provide them? and what about bank statements?

  6. #6
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lime View Post
    ive been reading posts here and it has been mentioned about the utility bills, do we need to provide them? and what about bank statements?
    Council Tax Billings - bearing your joint names - are generally considered to be the best evidence that you've lived together over a 2-year period ... and are among the first things the authorities will expect to see when dealing with your application. Likewise, your most recent Bank Statements.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lime View Post
    Thanks arthur and terpe! i have read the guidelines for set (M) and it only says passport and signed photo of me and my partner and the result of life in the uk test. it says something about the supporting documents but they didn't specify. ive been reading posts here and it has been mentioned about the utility bills, do we need to provide them? and what about bank statements?
    Always better to read the form first, then read the guide.

    Section 10 Documents

    We need 6 letters or other documents addressed to you jointly or in both your names. If you do not have enough items in your joint names, you may also provide items addressed to each of you individually if they show the same address for both of you. Examples of acceptable letters and documents are listed below. They must be originals.
    The dates of the letters or documents should spread over the whole 2 years. They should be from at least 3 different sources.
    Please give an explanation on a separate sheet if you cannot provide 6 items; if the documents are not addressed to both of you; or if they do not cover the 2-year period. If you and your partner lived with relatives or friends for some or all of the 2-year period, please provide a letter from the relative(s) and/or friend(s) confirming this.
    If you did not live together for any part of the 2-year period, tell us the reasons for this and whether you stayed in contact with each other during this time, and provide any relevant supporting evidence

    Examples of acceptable types of letters and documents

    letters or other documents from government departments or agencies, for example HM Revenue and Customs, Dept for Work and Pensions, DVLA and TV Licensing
    letters or other documents from your GP, a hospital or other local health service about medical treatments, appointments, home visits or other medical matters

    bank statements/letters
    building society savings books/letters
    council tax bills or statements
    electricity and/or gas bills or statements
    water rates bills or statements
    mortgage statements/agreement
    tenancy agreement(s)
    telephone bills or statements

  8. #8
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    May I also suggest you take a look at the Application form for Naturalisation (if British Citizenship may be required in the future)
    The reason is that there are requirements relating to absences from UK that are not mentioned in the ILR form. The absences count back into ILR period.

    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    I would also advise preparing for and taking the Life in UK Test asap. Leaving it will only build up pressure to study and pass. The test may be taken as many times as is needed.
    ... ... definitely !

  9. #9
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    would there be any problem if we're just gunna provide a year in our documents? coz we haven't put anything in my partner's name yet, for now, we only have the registration from GP and national insurance, we're gunna put them things in my partner's name soon though if that's necessary. thanks again

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lime View Post
    would there be any problem if we're just gunna provide a year in our documents? coz we haven't put anything in my partner's name yet, for now, we only have the registration from GP and national insurance, we're gunna put them things in my partner's name soon though if that's necessary. thanks again

    Per UKBA
    We need 6 letters or other documents addressed to you jointly or in both your names. If you do not have enough items in your joint names, you may also provide items addressed to each of you individually if they show the same address for both of you. Examples of acceptable letters and documents are listed below. They must be originals.
    The dates of the letters or documents should spread over the whole 2 years. They should be from at least 3 different sources.
    Please give an explanation on a separate sheet if you cannot provide 6 items; if the documents are not addressed to both of you; or if they do not cover the 2-year period. If you and your partner lived with relatives or friends for some or all of the 2-year period, please provide a letter from the relative(s) and/or friend(s) confirming this.
    If you did not live together for any part of the 2-year period, tell us the reasons for this and whether you stayed in contact with each other during this time, and provide any relevant supporting evidence

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