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Thread: Daughter

  1. #31
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Just to add to my post again

    If you don't marry

    still register your childs birth as Illegitimate to the embassy, if the child is more than year old and you haven't done the birth registering to the embassy then additional proof is required.
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  2. #32
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    iam going to have to check with the wife, i know i had to pay for my stepsons visa, as when my wife applied for her spouse visa, her son didnt even have a birth cert never mind a passport, one of the reasons why we didnt apply for him then, also he was in his final years at school.

    but if you says your aunt did that, i cant argue, but funny there is no where to put the childs photo, as there is on FLR and ILR forms, also on the vaf2 form, when it asks you what cat your applying for, 'as a child of someone settled or going to settle in the uk'

    but i cannot be 100% sure as my wife filled the spouse visa for her and our daugther.but like you said it does have a box to tick if traveling with parent

  3. #33
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    Yes lady.

    Although the child was born illegimate, i managed to swing it that she had my surname.

    Thanks for your help Lady J

    I think i will go for option 2



  4. #34
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    I have emailed the UKVACS and this iwhat they said.

    If your daughter is not a British passport holder she may apply for a Settlement visa to join you in the UK and she will need to fill-out a separate application form and pay the visa fee a part from your wife. We have attached the list of requirements, a visa application form and an application checklist for Settlement visa.

    So this means two applications submited together - with a fee of £1000

    I wonder if i should apply for British Passport for her (daughter) just dont know how long that it would take for a passport for her


  5. #35
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shamrockdave2003 View Post
    I have emailed the UKVACS and this iwhat they said.

    If your daughter is not a British passport holder she may apply for a Settlement visa to join you in the UK and she will need to fill-out a separate application form and pay the visa fee a part from your wife. We have attached the list of requirements, a visa application form and an application checklist for Settlement visa.

    So this means two applications submited together - with a fee of £1000

    I wonder if i should apply for British Passport for her (daughter) just dont know how long that it would take for a passport for her

    This is make me so upset, your little girl who is just age 2 yrs old needs to fill up a separate form and that cost you another GBP500! What a bloody rip off!
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  6. #36
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shamrockdave2003 View Post
    I have emailed the UKVACS and this iwhat they said.

    If your daughter is not a British passport holder she may apply for a Settlement visa to join you in the UK and she will need to fill-out a separate application form and pay the visa fee a part from your wife. We have attached the list of requirements, a visa application form and an application checklist for Settlement visa.

    So this means two applications submited together - with a fee of £1000

    I wonder if i should apply for British Passport for her (daughter) just dont know how long that it would take for a passport for her

    yes i asked my wife ,she said she phoned the embassy and they said the same thing, 2 apps and 2 fees, one for her and our daughter.

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