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Thread: "PROPOSED" Date for a wedding, with a proposed date for the reception

  1. #1
    Respected Member silver13's Avatar
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    "PROPOSED" Date for a wedding, with a proposed date for the reception

    Me and my fiance' is about to apply for a fiancee' visa after almost 2 years of a long distance relationship though he visited me here and i visited him too in UK just recently. Now, i am worried not just like when i applied for visit visa that i was granted immediately with out further interview so we thought we provide all the necessary documents that satisfied the ECO.

    The reason is, my fiance's local registry office won't give even the "PROPOSED" Date for a wedding, with a proposed date for the reception unless we obtain the fiance visa and they gave him leaflet on how to register marriage in UK and passed it on to me and read it.

    In PETE's website: Fiance(e) Visa Special Update, it says that the information is of great help because most likely it would be asked by the ECO.

    I just wonder why his local registry office won't give if other applicant's sponsor got it in some area. ( please note that my fiance' explained to the staff that we needed it for our fiancee' visa application and he told to that it's important to have it to further strengthen our case )

    I'm worried to the effect of my visa application.
    Any advice please.

  2. #2
    Respected Member eljean's Avatar
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    this case has been asked in here many many times i also worried about this thing before called "PROVISIONAL BOOKINGS FOR WEDDINGS" same thing as well no one got anyone such thing but then its not really a big deal in visa application
    if they give you an interview and ask about it just tell why you can't have it...
    you can just put your own plan date in your sponsorship letter and the place of reception....hope it helps....

    P.S in some city in england they can get it....but maybe not in your city....

    heres a thread for you to read:
    Filipina a born survivor!

  3. #3
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    I've got a provisional booking for wedding and reception but its too late for me send out to the embassy as they granted me visa from that day. Not even put any details in our supporting letter bout wedding plans.

    I have known some of the members here who tried to get ''PROVISIONAL BOOKING FOR WEDDING DATE'' but becoz of whatever reason, they haven't got it.

    What you will do is, your fiance will gonna write a supporting letter for your application, shows how relationship starts, wedding plans (LOCATION,TIME,DATE) etc. as well as the wedding reception.

    Here is a good example for supporting letter from ELJEAN (give her some rep)
    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  4. #4
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    Why not get married in the Philippines, it would make life so much easier in coming to the UK, it would also demonstrate your love for each other, when in the UK you could also get married under UK Laws.

  5. #5
    Respected Member eljean's Avatar
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    depends on the cashflow
    Filipina a born survivor!

  6. #6
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    When we applied for a fiance visa we had no provisional booking at the local registry office here in the uk. we just stated there at the visa application form that we will get married as soon as i enter uk. Got my visa less than a week no interview.



  7. #7
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kuya Allen View Post
    Why not get married in the Philippines, it would make life so much easier in coming to the UK, it would also demonstrate your love for each other, when in the UK you could also get married under UK Laws.
    NOT much of things to sort out and save TIME
    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  8. #8
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Most offices will at the very least give you a letter saying you have asked about a date.
    Keith - Administrator

  9. #9
    Respected Member silver13's Avatar
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    Thank you guys for all the info, my fiance' went to Birmingham registry office yesterday to at least have it but they woudn't give.

    Hoping by stating in the sponsorship letter about the wedding plan and all its details, it would be fine.

    Wish me luck guys. Again thanks a lot!

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