Ok people I have a question, im hoping you can help with this.

May 26th I fly to Manila to marry my fiancé, I am there until the 14th June and hopefully will have completed the wedding etc by then (Shotgun) J

We have a two year old daughter Angelina, born in the Philippines and lives with her mother – I miss them both very deeply.

I have a problem, basically after I come back to the UK my fiancé who should then be my wife will apply for a settlement Visa – I have been told this can take between 3 weeks to 3 months, so we are prepared for this.
Question is what I should do about my daughter I really don’t know which way to turn on this,
  • I believe that if my Wife applies for settlement visa then my daughter can go on the same application………….I think???
  • Or I register her at the British Embassy in Manila.

Not sure how this will work

Anybody know or got any experience of this.
