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Thread: Advice needed regarding short Visit to UK

  1. #1
    Respected Member blackcat22's Avatar
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    Advice needed regarding short Visit to UK

    In early stages of relationship with my dream filipino girl and I'm planning next year with her agreement for her to pay short 2-4 weeks visit to UK to see how she like before committing to permanently moving here after our marriage etc...

    Is there an option and how easy to get short stay 2-4 weeks UK Visa for her as partnership but not yet fiance or marriage VISA

    Has anyone on this forum ever applied for this type of short stay VISA for their partner in the past and what is chance of success.

    Do you think the one and only option available is long term fiance/marriage VISa?

    thank you in advance

  2. #2
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackcat22 View Post
    In early stages of relationship with my dream filipino girl and I'm planning next year with her agreement for her to pay short 2-4 weeks visit to UK to see how she like before committing to permanently moving here after our marriage etc...

    thank you in advance
    Hmm ... this had also been MY intention - and for the same reason as yourself - back in the autumn of 2008, following 3 memorable weeks with my then girlfriend in the Phils after meeting her there for the first time. Sadly, my plans were thwarted on finding out that my chances of getting a short-term visit visa for this specific purpose were so slim as to be almost negligible.

    That's not to say, it's totally impossible, however; I have read of cases where a 'Tourist Visa' has been granted. And ... who knows? ... ... being a "black cat", ... you just might be one of the lucky few!

    But, if I were you, I would advise your girl to avoid mentioning her "love interest" if and/or when she decides to apply - BECAUSE it's highly likely the British Embassy will suspect she may have no intention of returning to the Philippines afterwards. Even so, she will still need to prove - beyond doubt - that she has good grounds for going back home ... e.g., a well-paid job, family commitments and so forth. Moreover, she will require to provide evidence of her ability to fully support herself financially throughout the duration of her proposed stay - without becoming reliant on public funds. Harsh, ... but that, I'm afraid, is the way the "cookie crumbles".

    As for ME ... I ultimately chose to marry my girl in her homeland, and she came to the UK on a Spousal Visa 3 months later.

  3. #3
    Respected Member blackcat22's Avatar
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    I know a british citizen can send letter of invitation to friend/family abroad to visit him/her in UK for a few weeks/months providing the UK sponsor can provide evidence he/she i.e visitor will not rely on public funds.

    I have seen this work in practice with inviting member of family abroad over but not sure how it will be with inviting non-family member for short visit.

    I guess not disclosing realtionship status with her in visitor permit application might be a good idea tho

  4. #4
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    Probably a good thing it's been made difficult, as some would be hoping to use Filipina ladies as a sex lending library, or at the very least the ladies would be risking abuse.

    Why do you think anti-people trafficking laws were introduced ?

  5. #5
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    Hi Blackcat,

    search for "tourist visa" in the search box in the top corner of this page and you will get lots of info of people who have tried this route before

  6. #6
    Respected Member blackcat22's Avatar
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    Thanks Lancashirelad,

    Have searched and read the adice here about this subject.

    Originally I plan her visit for when she finish Nursing college next year but probably more wiser to apply and visit before she graduate out of nursing college next year so as to give genuine reason wanting to go back to phils to finish her final year nursing course

  7. #7
    Respected Member branno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Probably a good thing it's been made difficult, as some would be hoping to use Filipina ladies as a sex lending library, or at the very least the ladies would be risking abuse.

    Why do you think anti-people trafficking laws were introduced ?
    wot are you suggesting graham

  8. #8
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    Your girlfriend probably knows already that if she wants to work as a nurse in the UK she needs to register with the Nursing and Midwifery Council ( If she applies she must have been practising in the Philippines as a registered nurse for at least 12 months (full-time or the part-time equivalent) after qualifying. That would be a good reason for returning.
    There is a 19 page booklet which can be downloaded from the NMC website, called "Registering as a nurse or midwife in the United Kingdom for applicants from countries outside the European Economic Area".
    Once registered with the NMC, she can work in the National Health Service or private health, but the NMC states "We cannot help you find a job".

  9. #9
    Respected Member blackcat22's Avatar
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    Thanks for that info Alan

    That's another option for the future but on longer term will probably go via the Fiance VISA route

  10. #10
    Respected Member aryM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackcat22 View Post
    In early stages of relationship with my dream filipino girl and I'm planning next year with her agreement for her to pay short 2-4 weeks visit to UK to see how she like before committing to permanently moving here after our marriage etc...

    Is there an option and how easy to get short stay 2-4 weeks UK Visa for her as partnership but not yet fiance or marriage VISA

    Has anyone on this forum ever applied for this type of short stay VISA for their partner in the past and what is chance of success.

    Do you think the one and only option available is long term fiance/marriage VISa?

    thank you in advance
    Hello Backcat, try applying he a visit visa. I went to UK last April-June 2010 with my 2 kids on a visit visa to meet my fiance's family and experience the life in the UK before deciding to get married and settle down. It was sponsored by my then fiance (my husband now )

  11. #11
    Respected Member blackcat22's Avatar
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    Thanks aryM sounds like a good plan but did you make it clear in visit VIAS appliacation that you're dating the person u plan to visit in UK?

    I want to know if you reveal sponsor and visitor are dating might harm successfull appliaction as thi s might go against the logic of need/proof to return back to phils after visit expires

  12. #12
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    yes it can go against her getting a visa, because the embassy might use it for an excuse why she will not return, but the risk of refusal is greater if she lies about your relationship with her and is caught out.

  13. #13
    Respected Member burdock's Avatar
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    hi blackcat

    I have a Filippa friend who is visiting her bf on a tourist visa
    at the moment and she is studying to be a nurse back in philippines so it possible

    next time i speak to her I ask if they put on visa that
    are in a relationship

  14. #14
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    I hope nobody here would condone lying to or misleading the authorities.

    It's because of people attempting to circumvent the immigration rules in this way that procuring ANY kind of visa for a Filipina is getting so hard, and expensive.

    I would advise anyone contemplating a long-term relationship with one of these wonderful young ladies to go and visit them in their home country.

    At least make the effort.

  15. #15
    Respected Member aryM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackcat22 View Post
    Thanks aryM sounds like a good plan but did you make it clear in visit VIAS appliacation that you're dating the person u plan to visit in UK?

    I want to know if you reveal sponsor and visitor are dating might harm successfull appliaction as thi s might go against the logic of need/proof to return back to phils after visit expires
    Yes we told the embassy about our relationship, and that the visa was very important for our planned marriage. It was stated clearly in the sponsor letter. I also have enough proof of coming back here after the visit.

  16. #16
    Respected Member blackcat22's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by burdock View Post
    hi blackcat

    I have a Filippa friend who is visiting her bf on a tourist visa
    at the moment and she is studying to be a nurse back in philippines so it possible

    next time i speak to her I ask if they put on visa that
    are in a relationship
    Please let me know also full lists of ducument supplied will be helful even tho I have rough idea.

    on the VFS Global website in phils they seem to make provision for two types of visit relationships and non-relationship visit VISA below

    Short term visit [up to six months, single or multiple entry]
    Special visitor - marriage/civil partnership

    both have same application fees to apply but I suspect the 2nd option "Special visitor - marriage/civil partnership" will require additional supporting document i.e evidence of love etc.. between the two couple.

    Oops!! searching more info on the second option but it appears to be for a visit to come and get married in UK which now rules this option out.
    From the website General visitors defined as: Tourist or visiting friends
    just have to make it clear it's not ordinary friends it's boyfriend/girlfriend etc..

    I found a really good report here about a lady who successfully applied for her boyfriend from fiji to visit her on tourist visa in england...and I can't see anywhere in her report that she had to provide evidence of their dating.

    I think I will follow her path and see where it leads but I will like report from burdock also if possible for comparison.

  17. #17
    Respected Member blackcat22's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aryM View Post
    Yes we told the embassy about our relationship, and that the visa was very important for our planned marriage. It was stated clearly in the sponsor letter. I also have enough proof of coming back here after the visit.
    Thanks for that from what I have seen so far it appears if you can provide water tight evidence need to return back to phils you're 60% there with tourist VISA application with rest evidence of self/sponsor support carrying 40% weight

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