An American negro is sitting outside his shack looking pretty pissed off.
Eventually his neighbor passes by and asks him what the problem is.
The Negro replies. Ah is hav'in trouble getttin mah ole man hard an mah momma says sort it out o get yo ass outa here.
Well his friend thinks for a moment and says to him.
Yo need to visit ole doc Thomas, he has some shiney new blue pills that'll fix ya'all.
The next evening the Negro is sitting on his porch again wearing a Top hat and a Tuxedo.
Eventually his neighbor passes by again and asks how he got on at the Doctors, and why the hell was he wearing such fancy duds.
The old Negro replies, "The doc says ah is impotent, so, if ah is impotent ah sure 'nuff gonna look IMPOTENT"![]()