Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
I've decided to go for the Fuji H10 on Amazon, £220 is a bargain I think I may regret it in a few months time but then again I may not Ultimately I would like a DSLR, but the extra £400+ I need for a DSLR and lenses I want is almost another flight to Manila, and I'd rather keep on going to the Phil's 3 times a year instead of sacrificing a trip to buy a camera. Having everything I want in a smaller package is also an advantage when considering hand and hold baggage weight, which more airlines seem to be clamping down on now
Well good for you and good luck with it wouldnt worry about anything other than your own needs - and I know what you mean about expenses etc! Right now I'd rather go to the Phils than buy a new laptop so I hold off buying one, even though I have a few sitting here and an iPad etc etc...

Enjoy mate.