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Thread: Life In The UK Test

  1. #1
    Member exadore1's Avatar
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    Exclamation Life In The UK Test

    I just took three sample tests and failed. Does this mean I don't have the right to be born in this country anymore? Will I get a knock on my door from the UK border agency and be deported? Will I be destined to roam the world like some sort of stateless nomad? These questions, and more will be answered in next weeks episode of soap. (For that read, Damian Greens next wave of changes to immigration policy)
    I thank you.

  2. #2
    Respected Member sparky's Avatar
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    aye right enough some of the questions i reckon 90% of us would get wrong and a few more are out of date which can be confusing

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i think with a couple of weeks of practice most of us would pass

    the problem is how do you get people to integrate into society , when some people never learn to read, write or speak English?

  4. #4
    Member exadore1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    i think with a couple of weeks of practice most of us would pass

    the problem is how do you get people to integrate into society , when some people never learn to read, write or speak English?
    I whole heatedly agree with you. For too long enclaves have been allowed to flourish in this country. Their occupants never integrating into society, never learning the language because they never communicate with English people. (I am sure that you know who I am referring to). Still hopefully all that will change. I had a situation only the other day. I went into a newsagents to top up my phone. I use Lebara for cheap international calls, and the dimwit proceeds to give me a Vodaphone voucher. It's not like they even sound the same. He then proceeded to argue that, that was what I asked for. Unfortunately for him there was quite a large queue of people who en mass all agreed that they had heard me quite clearly. To say that he gave me a black look was quite an understatement

  5. #5
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    We must all import 1,000s of gorgeous Filipinas to bring some humour, fashion sense, musical taste, intelligence, femininity and beauty back to the country.

  6. #6
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by exadore1 View Post
    I just took three sample tests and failed.
    Joking apart, you'd be AMAZED at the number of British folk who fail to reach the required percentage mark required when they tackle the 'UK Life Test' at random without bothering to gen themselves up beforehand. That's because - when we've lived here all our lives - we become complacent ... thinking we know everything there is to know about our own country. It's part of human nature, after all!

    Yet, all too often, we find we DON'T know nearly as much as we thought we did! And this is where we come "unstuck". So the key to successs in this - as in ANY other examination - is to familiarise oneself with the course content through effort, study and as much revision as each individual candidate considers necessary in order to achieve the pass mark of 75% or above.

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