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Thread: UK gets 2.5m new foreign workers

  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    UK gets 2.5m new foreign workers

    UK gets 2.5m new foreign workers

    Two and a half million foreigners have moved to the UK to work since 2002, National Insurance figures suggest.
    The numbers, which include those who may only have been in the UK for a short time, have been getting larger each year, reaching 713,000 last year.

    The Home Office stressed these were people coming to the UK to work, and said it now monitored social impact.

    But Damian Green, for the Tories, said the "huge" and "accelerating" figures were "extraordinary" and should be cut.

    New EU countries: 321,00
    Asia & Mid-East: 145,000
    Old EU countries: 103,000
    Africa: 61,000
    Aus & Oceania: 33,000
    The Americas: 32,000
    Non-EU Europe: 16,000
    Source: DWP figures on those registering for a National Insurance number in year to April 2007

    The shadow immigration minister highlighted the 300,000 workers arriving in the UK from outside the EU, saying that number should be cut.

    If not, he said: "The benefits of immigration will be lost among the social and economic difficulties caused by the sheer scale of the current numbers."

    Lib Dem home affairs spokesman Nick Clegg said the 16% increase in east European immigrants given National Insurance numbers "confirm that the numbers are considerably higher than the Government first estimated".

    He said the Government had "failed to plan adequately both in terms of housing and funding for local services".

    full story here

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    EU shouldn't count as foreign!
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Respected Member jimeve's Avatar
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    If they are not British they are Foreigners, or alliens

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    it's the qoute by the tories that's a bit worrying, if and i know its a small if, if they get back in power, there will be a big crack down on immigration..

    "The shadow immigration minister highlighted the 300,000 workers arriving in the UK from outside the EU, saying that number should be cut." . making it more difficult for non europeans workers to come to the UK.

    nearly everyday on the beeb website there are new immigration stories, it look like it will be one of the major topics at the next election, is that going to be in oct this year

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