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Thread: Special Immigration Appeals Commission

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  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Special Immigration Appeals Commission

    oh i didn't know if to put this in the humor section, as it makes me

    The government says it is "very disappointed" by a decision to block the deportation of two Libyan terror suspects and will appeal against it.

    well i wonder if these 2 guys have got visa's? and if it says 'no recourse to public funds' like my wifes and 6 year old daughter has.

    and did they fill in the bits that makes me when asked if your a terrorist, if they put no, well they should be booted out like everyone else who are.

    The Special Immigration Appeals Commission ruled in their favour,They said European Convention on Human Rights could be breached if the two men were removed to Libya
    well doesnt my wife,daughter and stepson have any human rights, what about the right to marry who you want, and be able to live together in family unity.

    it amazes me as a tax payer, born here, lived all my life here, that i should be at the mercy of some government offical who decides over a 3 year period wether my family can live with me, and the cost of £2,500 for visa's.

    in some cases people who apply for visa's, depending on certain factors, you have no right to even appeal against the decision.

    so iam sure these 2 guys are claiming benefits, something my wife cannot, even thou shes beening working and paying taxes here.

    don't it all just you off

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Now you're just being stupid pay you're taxes & abide by the you're easy meat for the government......they can't make a penny out of these Libyans so want shut.

    What's wrong soon as they land, they are sent back until the paperwork is completed there end?
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    As I mentioned before, somewhere..

    I cannot possibly leave my job, too many refugees, depend on my tax money...........

  4. #4
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Try my tax on gambling winnings so they get bugger all of me.....apart form £1.23 in PAYE last year....I love my accountant
    Keith - Administrator

  5. #5
    andypaul's Avatar
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    It like with speed cameras only those that pay up strraight away and easy to find are fined in some areas. the others not correctly registered, forigen registered or appeal are not chased as to complicated.
    So honest tax paying law abiding citzens cop it.

  6. #6
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    ....and over the last 5 years since speed cameras became mainstream, the % drop in speeding offences is......

    Keith - Administrator

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