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Thread: inquiry about the bank statements

  1. #1
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    inquiry about the bank statements

    hi everyone

    we are planning to apply visa soon.they need at least 3 months , preferably 6 months bank statements,right ?

    but we are supposed to submit only 3 months bank statements ( March - May, 2011) in the HSBC bank of my husband showing a regular income from his new job
    i would like to ask, aside from current bank statement, what if we are going to add the previous 3 months ( Nov- Feb, 2010 ) bank statement in HSBC of my husband but have shown claimed benefits on it?( cause at that time he have no work yet and his savings at that time was used in our wedding expenses..)

    he got only 1K pounds savings in his credit union bank.

    all of his bank statements are not overdrawn ..

    will this be consider?hope to hear from u..thank u

  2. #2
    Newbie (Restricted Access) abbymd's Avatar
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    Hi jeanelovesdeano! I don't know what would be the right option for you but I will just share what we did for our application. We decided to just present the last 3 months statement. My husband's account was overdrawn in December so we decided not to risk it and just presented our statements from Feb to April. However, we presented two bank accounts.The other one showed his regular income and a better monthly balance.In the second account,he only had a little more than 1k balance but I guess that helped as we got our UK visa after only 4 days processing.
    I hope this helps. Good luck!

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by abbymd View Post
    Hi jeanelovesdeano! I don't know what would be the right option for you but I will just share what we did for our application. We decided to just present the last 3 months statement. My husband's account was overdrawn in December so we decided not to risk it and just presented our statements from Feb to April. However, we presented two bank accounts.The other one showed his regular income and a better monthly balance.In the second account,he only had a little more than 1k balance but I guess that helped as we got our UK visa after only 4 days processing.
    I hope this helps. Good luck!
    thank u abby for this information.can i ask when did u apply for the spouse visa?how did u manage that your application was granted after 4 days?aside from the savings of your husband, did u have your own savings and properties shown in the ECO as well? or did ur husband got a co-sponsor? hope u can give some information if u dont mind..hope u can add me in ym...
    thank u and hope to hear from you soon.. Godbless

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    Quote Originally Posted by abbymd View Post
    . However, we presented two bank accounts.The other one showed his regular income and a better monthly balance.. Good luck!
    can i ask if how much was presented in the first bank acount balance showing his regular income of ur husband? is it also more than 1K pounds balance or more than that?
    hope to hear from you..thank u

  5. #5
    Newbie (Restricted Access) abbymd's Avatar
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    @jeanelovesdeano: sent you a PM. :-)

  6. #6
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    hi everyone

    has anyone tried to submit a previous bank statements showing claiming benefit in bank statements and the money not come from work income? Is this one be considered?

    hope to hear from you..Thank u

  7. #7
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    hi everyone

    has anyone tried to submit a previous bank statements showing claiming benefit in bank statements and the money not come from work income? Is this one be considered?

    hope to hear from you..Thank u

  8. #8
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    hi everyone

    just an inquiry if its ok to submit a bank statement of my husband that shows claiming benefit but have not overdrawn..hope to hear from u..thanks

  9. #9
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    I submitted only 3 months bank statements and I was overdrawn on two occasions. I explained fully that due to the high cost of the wedding and expensive Easter flights was the main reason for being over drawn. We still got the spouse visa. It took just 3 days. Hope this info helps.. Graham

  10. #10
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Graham H View Post
    I submitted only 3 months bank statements and I was overdrawn on two occasions. I explained fully that due to the high cost of the wedding and expensive Easter flights was the main reason for being over drawn. We still got the spouse visa. It took just 3 days. Hope this info helps.. Graham
    graham you were lucky to get your visa sending only 3 months of bank statements and 2 were overdrawn, people on here have had that mentioned as one of the reasons for refusal. thou maybe in your case they couldn't find any other reasons for refusal and granted your visa app , again i think you were a bit lucky

  11. #11
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    Hi Joe, yes I agree with you I guess I was a bit lucky. However we made sure that everything else was as perfect as it could be. We submitted information well above that was required. ( Information Overload). I also explained to them in great detail the reasons for being overdrawn. With supporting evidence.

    Maybe one of the reasons the visa was granted was because we have know each other for 4 years and my wife has already been to see me in the UK for 4 months last year on a visit visa.

  12. #12
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    usually when your refused they will list more than one reason (to try and justify the refusal)

    someone on here not long ago, overdrawn statements was one of the reasons, i cant remember if it was the only reason for refusal, but they owned their house outright.

    they asked for reconsideration and the refusal was overturned, without going thru a long wait with an appeal

    why i say you were lucky is, you need to show you have fianances that you can have quick and easy access to (property, isa's etc might not be) so your wife will not 'need recourse to public funds' and if your overdrawn how can you support your wife

    anyway most of us have been in the same boat, playing the waiting game, some people waiting for many months to get good bank statements

    but good you got it but not everyone will be as lucky as you, that's why I advise people, 6 bank statements and no overdrawn ones to minimize risks of refusal..

  13. #13
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    I totaly agree with you Joe.

    I know it was a risk. I did however submit other financial investments. Our baby is due end of August, therefore I took the risk as I want the baby to be born in the UK.

    Yes we was very lucky and we are both thankful for all the advice people like yourself have given us.

    My wife is going to Cebu this week to try and get the CFO. I have been told that the nuns make up the rules as they please and demand documents that are not even listed on the web site. I think It will be best if my wife takes everything she did as she did for her visa to be on the safe side.

  14. #14
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Graham H View Post
    . I did however submit other financial investments.

    Our baby is due end of August, therefore I took the risk as I want the baby to be born in the UK.

    It will be best if my wife takes everything she did as she did for her visa to be on the safe side.

    the other finanical investments probably did it

    it be better if the baby was born in the UK, they would be British Otherwise than by descent - meaning they can pass citizenship on to their child even if born outside the UK

    and tell your wife dont forget the kitchen sink , my misses had an easy time getting a CFO, thou with 2 kids and being a Doc what could nuns teach her

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    Thanks Joe,

    she is taking every document we have. I have been reading some very bad stories regarding Cebu CFO on other web sites. So we have to be fully prepared for eveything they might throw at her. I will let you know the outcome.....

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Graham H View Post
    I totaly agree with you Joe.

    I know it was a risk. I did however submit other financial investments. Our baby is due end of August, therefore I took the risk as I want the baby to be born in the UK.

    hi graham, thank u for the reply on my message..just would like to ask how many payslip did u submit during your wife's application for spouse visa?did u mention in your letter that your wife is pregnant? how much savings did u reflect in your bank statement?hope to hear from you..thank u

  17. #17
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    hi! just wanna ask, i have my husband's bank statement from october to april 1 and i submitted my application on May 30.. Is this ok?

  18. #18
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    Hi Jeane I submited 6 monrths pay slips. I didnt mention that she was pregnant. They are not bothered about that so I have been told. There was 6k showing but only on the last bank statement . I explained that this was a wedding gift from my parents. I also photo copied the bank book showing the withdrawral and I sent the original reciept showing the entry into my account.
    Hope this helps ....... Graham...

  19. #19
    Member kate_th's Avatar
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    we even submitted 2 months of bank statements... april-may 2, 2011.... as long as theres big savings... i got my visa todayyy

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    Hello to everyone I`m a newbie here..
    Regarding a spousal visa..
    I think I have all necessary paperwork sorted and a balance of £6,000 in bank account. The only thing I am concerned with is my self emloyed accounts show earnings of £8,800 for the year 08 to 09. Accounts are always made up around 18 months in arrears for the IR.
    I have been trading for 25 years. My wife is applying for a spouse visa along with her 3 year old daughter. (my step daughter) My mortgage is £200 per month and untilities including water amount to £85 per month. Could anyone give an opinion as to whether the financial side of things sounds enough to satisfy the Home Office.?
    Many thanks. !

  21. #21
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kate_th View Post
    we even submitted 2 months of bank statements... april-may 2, 2011.... as long as theres big savings... i got my visa todayyy
    you were lucky they didnt ask for more bank statements or refuse you kate

  22. #22
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiggerthetiger View Post

    Hello to everyone I`m a newbie here..
    Regarding a spousal visa..
    I think I have all necessary paperwork sorted and a balance of £6,000 in bank account. The only thing I am concerned with is my self emloyed accounts show earnings of £8,800 for the year 08 to 09. Accounts are always made up around 18 months in arrears for the IR.
    I have been trading for 25 years. My wife is applying for a spouse visa along with her 3 year old daughter. (my step daughter) My mortgage is £200 per month and untilities including water amount to £85 per month. Could anyone give an opinion as to whether the financial side of things sounds enough to satisfy the Home Office.?
    Many thanks. !
    If the sponsor (co-sponsor) is self-employed, owns his own company, or if the sponsor (co-sponsor) does not work, then the employment contract and P60 can be substituted with certified copies of the previous two years' tax returns accompanied by a notarized version of his business accounts.

    as a guidline you need to show that you have left, after rent/mortgage, council tax and loan repayments have been deducted:

    105.95 per week for a couple
    62.33 per week for each child

    you can include any income you receive from benefits such as tax credits, child benefit etc.

    but this is only a guide, probably get away with a bit less..

    you need to show your wife has 'sole responsibility' and sole custody for the child.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    If the sponsor (co-sponsor) is self-employed, owns his own company, or if the sponsor (co-sponsor) does not work, then the employment contract and P60 can be substituted with certified copies of the previous two years' tax returns accompanied by a notarized version of his business accounts.

    as a guidline you need to show that you have left, after rent/mortgage, council tax and loan repayments have been deducted:

    105.95 per week for a couple
    62.33 per week for each child

    you can include any income you receive from benefits such as tax credits, child benefit etc.

    but this is only a guide, probably get away with a bit less..

    you need to show your wife has 'sole responsibility' and sole custody for the child.
    Thankyou Joe! .

    She does have sole responsibility of her child. I forgot to mention that she took an ELSA English test and passed, at Theodolite in Cebu. As I can make out however is that it is not on the list of approved tests, although the proprieter of Theodolite says it will be accepted. It definately is not on the new list of approved tests after July 17.
    any ideas about the test and if it is sufficient. She acchieved A1 writing,A2 reading and also listening, then D1 in speaking.


  24. #24
    Member kate_th's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    you were lucky they didnt ask for more bank statements or refuse you kate

    as long as they can see the net interest per year in the next page... 2months will do..

  25. #25
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    Hello people!!!! this is abbymd's super husband!!, anyway its really a lottery when you apply. Basically legal advice i had stipulated that 3 months bank statments is enough, however that is if everything else is in order. The reason they ask for 6 is to ascertain if your balance is genuine ie did you borrow cash in order to present a healthy acct. 6 months statements gives them an audit trail!. If you have all your pics in chronological order, providing a visual anthology and time line of your genuine and subsisting relationship then your good. 3 months wage slips, 3 months bank staments, a few pounds savings 2/3k is ideal then your set. Please bear in mind that after all your monthly out goings amenities ect you must have at least what a couple on benifits would have to live on. For instance a husband and wife with a kid gets around £170 per week, so after all your accm costs tax ni contributions you must be left with at least that. That is the basis of your argument in an appeal if your rejected based on finance.

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    just for the record; I LOVE YOU ABBYMDXXXXXXX

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    usually when your refused they will list more than one reason (to try and justify the refusal)

    someone on here not long ago, overdrawn statements was one of the reasons, i cant remember if it was the only reason for refusal, but they owned their house outright.

    they asked for reconsideration and the refusal was overturned, without going thru a long wait with an appeal ............................... but not everyone will be as lucky as you, that's why I advise people, 6 bank statements and no overdrawn ones to minimize risks of refusal..
    I have been reading this thread with interest. It might be of some use, maybe, to point out that I have a Nationwide Flex account where I cant go overdrawn. Every now and again, towards the end of the month a payment bounces and is reversed, but apart from that my current account balance never is overdrawn. I wonder if this might be useful for those looking to present a good bank account track record to the UKBA?

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