This thread consists of 'interviews' with forum members, where hopefully they'll be a few participants who'll take part, so get your answers ready guys because you could be next!
First up in the hot seat is one of the forum's most popular and respected members who has kindly accepted to be interviewed....Arthur Little........![]()
So here goes........................................
Forum Name: Arthur Little
Occupation: Retired Social Work Records Officer
Favourite Movie: Sleepless In Seattle
Favourite Band/Singer: Abba
Favourite TV Programmes: Casualty, Holby City, Waterloo Road, Taggart & other detective stories. I used to enjoy 'The Bill' ... but it is no longer on air.
Favourite Sports Team: Perth Cycling Club
Favourite Meal: Battered Fish/Chicken & Chips or Gammon Steak and Pineapple
Favourite Drink: Mainly Soft Drinks ... but enjoy Magner's Cider
Favourite Filipino Food: Adobo; Calderitas
If applicable, how many Filipina’s have you dated?: 1 (my wife)
What’s the most important trait you look for in a partner?: Loyalty & Devotion
What’s the biggest turn-off in a member of the opposite sex?: Tattoos
What personality traits do you dislike in people generally?: Rudeness, Aggression, Arrogance, Gossip-mongering
Name something about you that not many people know!: I'm a firm believer in good, old fashioned values ... but I suspect some folk here probably know that already. What no-one here will know, is that I once featured in an ITV [Grampian] advert for the Clydesdale Bank (1993)
Which famous person did you have a crush on when you were younger?: Julie Christie
Have you ever been physically likened to anyone famous, and if so, who?: Sean Connery ... except he has brown eyes - and mine are blue.
Which section of the forum do you like the best?: All Sections, really
If your forum name isn’t your real name, where does it derive from?: It's my real name
What’s your worst ever job and why?: NHS Clerical Officer ... because I found it tediously boring!
Where would you prefer to spend an evening out? Pub/Bar, Cinema or Theatre?: Either of the latter
Who would you least like to be stuck in a lift with?: Any nasty type of person
Which chore around the home do you hate doing most?: Any kind of housework ... but particularly window cleaning - as I have large windows and am NBG at it!
Have you ever been in the back of a Police car, and if so, what for?: No, thankfully.
Apart from anyone close to you, who would you say was/is the greatest human being to ever walk the earth?: ... TBH, I've never really thought about it
Which member would you like to be interviewed next?: No particular preference.